Hi Guys. Some of you may know that for the best part of a year now I have been attempting to help people with arthritic conditions. I've offered a free fitness training package comprised of; resistance training; massage; electro acupressure; inversion therapy; intrasound and reiki . I've been on the local radio and advertised absolutely everywhere. I also collaborate with the NHS/Arthritis drop-ins. Uptake on my offers? I've had one person enquire about herself and her teenage son and when she discovered that it would involve some effort on her part...... They didn't turn up . I think it is something to do with the fact that most people wait until the doctor tells them that they have a big problem and then they feel that they cannot do anything to help themselves. There's a well known story of the chap who had an x-ray and was told that he had a 'shadow' on his lung. A few weeks later, he was gone. During the process of archiving his medical records, an old x-ray from 10 years before was found and that same IDENTICAL shadow was there, but no-one had told the patient.
Once the doctor had told him....... .
My friends think I'm crazy to have tried as long as I have. I'm just about on the point of giving up. Two more months. Come September, that's it