Hello all,
I just want to advise all young mothers with new symptoms of postpartum psychosis to get help as soon as they start to feel unwell.
I had postpartum psychosis in 1990.
Yes, that was a long time ago, but the devastation it causes was the same.
At the time, there were no Mother and Baby units to gain help and support, so I was admitted to an awful place in the middle of nowhere.
I was so I’ll, I was sectioned for 6 weeks, in an old fashioned psychiatric hospital.
I didn’t know I was ill, and was married to an abuser unfortunately.
I was given no end of antipsychotic drugs but nothing worked, so ECT was mentioned. My husband said no it’s not happening to my psychiatrist.
Over the years my psychosis turned into a severe mental illness, so I have never really recovered from the initial postpartum psychosis. It has been a devastating, horrendous journey.
I was sterilised, as I was told I can never have anymore children, because it would be catastrophic for me and baby.
My daughter, who is now 29, has witnessed my relapses over the years, and my guilt is overwhelming.
Thankfully they found a medication that manages my condition, so I am able to cope with life.
I urge all young mothers to ask for help as soon as they feel unwell.
I didn’t, because I thought I would worry everybody.
I’m a grandma now, but the memories of that time are still very much with me.
Get the help you need. Don’t hesitate.
You won’t be letting anyone down.
Take it his advice from someone who didn’t ask for the help when I needed it.