Hello all,
We are seeking people to help us to review some translated versions of APP's Insider Guides (app-network.org/what-is-pp/..., which offer guidance and support to women and families affected by Postpartum Psychosis (PP).
Please get in touch with us at app@app-network.org, if you're able to help in either of the following ways:
1. Have you experienced PP, used NHS services and speak Arabic, Bengali, Polish, Slovak or Urdu?
We are seeking volunteers who can speak, read, and write in one (or more) of the above five languages to review translated versions of APP’s Insider Guides.
2. Do you work in Perinatal Mental Health Services and speak Bengali?
We are looking for UK-based clinicians specialising in Perinatal Mental Health who also speak, read and write in Bengali, to review translated versions of APP's Insider Guides. You could work in any role within a Perinatal Team, for example as a Psychiatrist, Psychologist, Mental Health Nurse, or Occupational Therapist.
If you think you could help in either of the ways outlined above, please get in touch:
Email: app@app-network.org
Thank you very much for any help you can offer.
Best wishes,
(National Peer Support Coordinator - APP)