Sometimes an open forum like this isn't what you need. Its good to read the posts, but you might want to communicate with someone personally. If you'd like to talk over email with a trained peer supporter – all of whom have recovered from PP- please complete the registration form below for this free service.
* The PPTalk one-to-one email service is for those with personal experience of Postpartum Psychosis, their partners or family members. (For those who have been diagnosed with PP, this service is most suitable once you have been discharged from hospital and are on the path to recovery.)
* All peer support volunteers have themselves recovered from PP (or are the partner of someone who has recovered) and have received training in peer support. Volunteers are “experts by experience” and are not counsellors or health professionals and cannot give professional advice. The service should not replace that of your GP or mental health professionals.
*Once you have registered for the service, you will be matched with a volunteer based on the information you have given. The Volunteer will aim to contact you within 3 days. Volunteers give a few hours of their time to APP each week and therefore may not be able to respond to emails immediately.
You can read the terms & conditions here:
Register for the free email support service here: