I’ve realised recently that I’ve started to make peace with my journey. My journey bringing my son into the world was not what I ever imagined, nor what I’d hope for, but I realise now it’s mine and nobody can take that away from me. Amongst the trauma and fear are unforgettable moments. Those moments brought us closer together and created a unique bond. Being able to look back at photos without being filled with panic tells me I’m getting better and that I’m slowly moving on. It’s a step in the right direction taking me to where I want to be 💜
Hope 💜: I’ve realised recently that I... - Action on Postpar...
Hope 💜

Hi Ally2303
Thank you so much for sharing this, it’s so good to read your message which I’m sure will give others hope too 💜💜💜
Jenny x

Ally, thank you so much for these beautiful words of self-reflection. Reaching inner peace after our traumas is part of reconciliation. Lived experiences means growth. If we can let go of hurt, anger and worries just for the day, that helps us to find new strengths and believe in hope. Take always good care of yourself first before you spread your beautiful energy.

What a wonderful post that you can identify this as recovery. I'm sure others will be filled with hope when reading it 💕

Hi Ally2303,
Reading what you wrote is so empowering .
You are absolutely right this is your journey and nobody else's. This is your story . I am admiring your resilience and strength and being able to look back at photos and not feeling the panic .
My friend you are standing tall and shining bright ..
Small steps accomplish great things ..

That's a great story of hope, thank you for sharing. I don't suppose any of us would choose to have had PP but we can't change it so acceptance is good. It is part of who I am. 💗