Trauma Therapy : I am really struggling... - Action on Postpar...

Action on Postpartum Psychosis

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Trauma Therapy

Mamadubois22 profile image
13 Replies

I am really struggling. I've been cured from psychosis but it manages to consume my whole life still. I haven't been able to just get passed it. Everytime people tell me to just do the things I'm scared of (literally anything because my reality was demons were trying to torture me till i kill myself) and the more and more i push myself the more and more i get terrified.

Has anyone tried trauma therapy? I have more trauma then just this but I was wondering if it helped more than regular therapy? And what was some things they told you that a regular therapist couldn't help with.

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Mamadubois22 profile image
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13 Replies
Lilybeth profile image

Hello Mamadubois22

I'm so sorry you are really struggling after your psychosis. I think it does take a while to recover and come to terms with all that has happened. How long ago was your PP? Do you think taking Unisom has added to to your stress? Perhaps now the medication has been changed to a different antipsychotic you might feel a difference when it has had time to take effect?

It is very frightening when the thoughts pop up as they are all very real and frightening. I didn't try trauma therapy as my episodes were so long ago. I had PP twice and ECT sessions but this was during my psychotic episodes. Are you in the UK? If so perhaps Prof Ian Jones of APP will be able to help via the Second Opinion Psychiatry Service at Your GP or psychiatrist will be able to refer you and there is no charge to you or the referring NHS Trust. Prof Jones is based in Cardiff but it is possible to have a consultation via Skype if necessary.

Have you also seen the PP Guide "Recovery after Postpartum Psychosis" which might be helpful and reassuring to read at There are also personal experiences on the page and a Guide for partners.

Perhaps you could visit your GP and he might be able to signpost you to the therapy he thinks would be best for you? Take care.

Mamadubois22 profile image
Mamadubois22 in reply to Lilybeth

I am in the U.S.A. I was cured at the end of may so bot much time has passed but I was doing okay and now im sliding back more and more each day. I will definitely check out that website! Thank you so much. I do think that the unisom added to my effects so now I think that's why I'm as terrified as I was before.

Lilybeth profile image
LilybethVolunteer in reply to Mamadubois22

Hello Mamadubois22

Thanks for taking time out to reply. I'm so sorry that you are sliding back more and more, it must be very frightening at times. As you are in the USA I wonder if you have heard of Postpartum Support International at Depending on which State you live in they have local support co-ordinators to offer help and advice .... they are also on Facebook.

As you mentioned this is such a good place to talk and share our experiences. I really hope your care team will be able to support you through the awful time you are having at the moment. Stay safe and take care.

Hayleynevin profile image

Oh gosh I feel so sad for you. I also am cured of PP but left with a dread scared feeling. Mine was more ocd. I thought everything was contaminated and will hurt my children if I didn’t clean. I still struggle and have been put back on medication which I think I’ll be on for life now. Are you still on meds?

Mamadubois22 profile image
Mamadubois22 in reply to Hayleynevin

I am on meds again, yes. Please, PLEASE come to my house 😂 after I was terrified, I hate things that make noise because I feel as if voices will talk to me when the quiet is blocked out...why? Noooo idea. I am sorry you are foing through that. That is another nightmare and itself to think germs would harm your children. Us women are strong to go through this . I'm so happy for this website for all of us to talk about our experiences together but it pains me to know so many people go through this

Hayleynevin profile image
Hayleynevin in reply to Mamadubois22

Oh gosh it pains me too. So much! Life is so cruel some times xxxx

guinea1 profile image

I am just finishing emdr and can say it has helped a lot, I had PP 24 years ago and just shut everything away behind a door that was to hot to touch, a couple of years ago I started having the feelings that things just couldn't be kept hiden away, PTSD has come out. I have a fantastic gp who has been with me every step of the way. I am so sorry you are still suffering and it can be hard, but please talk to your gp or who ever is looking after you, I was really scare about starting the therapy though lack of trust to any medical people, but it is ok and is helping.

I really hope things will get better for you, so you can move on from this aweful time.

Mamadubois22 profile image
Mamadubois22 in reply to guinea1

I definitely would like to give it a try. I'm so sorry you struggled with this for so long. Even if it went away, it makes me sad that it still affects you. I'm glad that emdr has helped you be okay

guinea1 profile image
guinea1 in reply to Mamadubois22

It has got me so far, will be having a break now for a while as healing still goes on an may then go back for more as there are things still holding me back..the main thing is to try and come to terms with things and this can be difficult especially when PP is out of the blue and you have had no experience with mental health problems, it makes it a very traumatic experience, I do think that we all could receive trauma based therapy , it won't to you any harm and could help to prevent fears getting so ingrained, as they have with me. But I have gain trust in my doctor and most importantly that I have support from him and even if things got very bad I won't get shoved in a psychiatric hospital as they know it will do me more harm then good because of how I was treated. I don't feel things are so hopeless and we have a plan of action if things do get bad, so I am better than I was 3 months ago, though there is still along way to go....but I would say that things are hard at first, but just keep at it and you will find your way, find a gp you get on with and understand you, it took a little while to find out what I needed. I hope things go well for you

bravesurvivor411 profile image

Hi Mamadubois22,

You are asking a great question because I think PP is very much intertwined with trauma. I have tried many forms of therapy:CBT, EMDR, acupuncture, cranial sacral therapy, reiki and Somatic experience therapy. I see a CBT therapist weekly for everyday type stuff but trauma wise I really recommend Somatic experience therapy. I have been seeing someone for about 2 years. It’s a newer type of therapy where you learn to process trapped trauma emotions in your nervous system. You learn to really sit with sensations and emotions while processing them. I use it frequently on my own while dealing with painful emotions. The work was founded by Peter Levine and there maybe someone in your area certified but it’s not a super common modality.

I wish you all the best on your healing journey. Keep looking and searching until you find a therapist that works for you.

Mamadubois22 profile image

I am going to look more in to this! Because it is definitely stuck in my nervous system. I have no way right now to get past this and I really need to as everyone on this site knows all too well.

Pikorua profile image

Dear Mamadubois22,

pleased to meet you on this site and what an interesting question. Some wonderful responses hopefully will help and enrich your path of recovery. In my opinion PPP is such a traumatising illness and affects not only mums, but everybody who loves and cares for baby and mum.

Therapy and therapeutic healing is in my opinion a very individual journey. Sometimes it can be rather exhausting as one has to find out what is most suitable for individual and family needs. Our circumstances and backgrounds are so diverse.

Trauma is an interesting topic and still today I get flash backs when in certain environments. I recently have had exposure. which brought back memories from when I was sectioned and received "ill-treatment". However, it was a positive experience as I was part of a team for interior design decission for a new mother and baby unit. Eventually I was invited to see the new-built. It was so lovely to see the implementation of theoretical ideas put into practise knowing that mums and babies get the best care and professional support.

There are unwanted situations in my life where trauma via flash backs is catching up again, but I have been learning coping mechanisms. Therapy has to be tailor-made and well managed not only by oneself, but it is so important to receive professional and peer support.

I did reject certain therapies, but felt comfortable with therapeutic avenues such as meditation, yoga, reiki...and getting help and training via partnership and eventually through APP.

Wishing you all the best, take care x

Mamadubois22 profile image
Mamadubois22 in reply to Pikorua

I am so sorry to hear that you still go through this. Definitely slcertain environments are worse than others and families suffer also because they have no idea how to help so they have to just watch the loved one suffer. My husband is very broken over the fact I am not able to be independent anymore. And it puts a huge strain on him.

I do hope the best for you.

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