I appreciate money is a taboo topic, but I’d really like to know how other families cope financially when PP strikes.
The last time I had PP, I had to leave the MBU because I was too ill (separated from baby). After taking around one month of fully paid leave (compassionate leave), my husband decided to go back to work - this was important for his sanity, and he was also concerned about his job/income security having spent so much time away from work. He decided our baby would stay 1.5 hours away with my mum, who also works full-time. This meant he could work during the day, and visit me in the hospital at night. He subsequently had unexpected full-time childcare costs, and no income to pay for it (I was only in receipt of Maternity Allowance c.£140 p/w). Fortunately, due to low income, my mum was in receipt of tax credits which meant a 60-70% deduction to the nursery costs. My husband needed to buy a cheap but reliable car to collect our son every Friday (3 hour drive after work) and take him back every Sunday (another 3 hour drive) - so he had unexpected purchase plus car insurance, maintenance and fuel costs. This meant he could spend time with our son, visit me with him at the weekend, and give my mum some rest (after five night of sleep deprivation and full-time working). It cost us thousands of pounds and stripped us of our savings over my nine months of recovery before returning to work.
Now we have another baby on the way, and my biggest worry is the financial impact of PP!
We now have shared parental leave in the UK, and think my husband could take two months fully paid leave. I also get four months fully paid leave, then SMP c.£140 p/w for another 5 months. (NB If I wasn’t on maternity leave and suffered psychosis, I’d be eligible for 16 weeks fully paid sick leave, then 75% income protection would kick in after six months of sick leave.)
We would have unexpected childcare costs for a baby and four year old, if I’m too ill to stay in an MBU. My mum can’t help in the same way that she did, as our son will start school in September, and there’ll be no deduction to childcare costs as she doesn’t get tax credits anymore. She could stay with my husband (work from our home) if I’m in hospital or MBU, to help with visits or childcare in the evenings.
Nursery costs c. £1100 p/m, which could be paid by my maternity pay in the first few months of leave, but after that we will be limited to savings and overdraft. Savings will be low, due to expense of buying things needed for new baby and costs of a postnatal doula (to reduce risk of PP).
The only other thing I’ve considered is making a claim on the private medical invariance policies we have through work (both BUPA and AXA PPP), as they have some cash benefit if I’m inpatient in NHS hospital. But the claim can only be made after discharge, so would not help our cash flow.
Also, setting up a power of attorney is in plan, although yet to work out who can help me with that.
Have you any advice on how to cope financially? Any tips on what we could do to manage if I was unwell again? For example, have you any experience of banks temporarily reducing capital repayments to interest only (as our mortgage is our biggest expense). Or getting help with childcare costs somehow? Did your partner take a long time off work, and was his leave fully paid? If it wasn’t, how did you pay the bills?
Is there someone that can provide specialist financial advice to families at risk of PP? I’ve worked with independent financial advisors, and they wouldn’t have a clue about all this! They’re trained to advise on estate planning, tax avoidance, investment, retirement planning and insurance... and I’ve never heard of an insurance policy that would cover this type of risk, and if it did exist it would be very expensive!