PP Veteran: Well finally ready to... - Action on Postpar...

Action on Postpartum Psychosis

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PP Veteran

Natalie_at_APP profile image
10 Replies

Well finally ready to formally introduce myself to the app community!

My kids are now 15 and 12 and I had PP with both of them!

I’d got to 28 with only mild PMS before I had DD when all hell broke loose and from no where I had my first experience of ill mental health! Long story short and one I’m sure most of you know all too well I was separated from DD for six weeks in acute psychiatric units before a lengthy stay at an MBU.

Was off all meds by DDs 1 st birthday then just got on with life making regular trips to my psychiatrist! Bit of counselling and there was no stopping us trying for another child after a few years!

I decided taking meds during a pregnancy would cause me more stress so that was a no no in my eyes! (This was years back when not so much was known about meds in pregnancy) During the second pregnancy I had anxiety management classes and also had the most amazing CPN.

Needless to say at 31 I had DS and immediately spiralled but this time was sent straight to the MBU. The psychosis was just as immense as the first time but being together with DS and having regular visits with DD and family the recovery was much smoother x

Only meant to keep this short 🤦‍♀️

I’m well now and would hope I can be a support to anyone early on their PP journey or long in the tooth like me😉

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Natalie_at_APP profile image
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10 Replies
Lilybeth profile image

Hello PPtwo

So pleased you had the courage to finally introduce yourself :) It is a big step but here you will find such great support and 'meet' many virtual friends. Thanks for sharing your experiences of PP. Like you, I had PP many years ago, which at the time didn't feel like a temporary illness, followed by an enduring depression. I was treated under mixed general psychiatric care and thankfully I eventually fully recovered with ups and downs along the way.

Good to hear that you are well now and have already given a supportive reply on the forum. This is such a good place to share experiences and reassure new mums struggling with PP that in their own time they will recover.

Welcome to this unique band of brave mothers :) Take care.

Natalie_at_APP profile image

Thank you for you reply💗. I forgot to mention as it’s totally under control but I was diagnosed with Bipolar in 2010. Thankfully years of therapy mean I have a better understanding of my emotions and even though it’s sometimes a battle it’s one I’m winning😉 N x

Hmcw profile image
Hmcw in reply to Natalie_at_APP

Hi PPtwo. I just had my first mania psychotic episode after 8 months of having my son. I’m feeling pretty depressed and not quite sure what to start. Do you have any books that helped you? Any advice that helped you? Blogs? I’m feeling pretty defeated. Thanks!

Lilybeth profile image

Thanks for your update PPtwo :) Good to hear that your Bipolar is under control as much as it can be. I don't have any experience of this but like you there are other lovely mums here who do ❤️. Take care.

Pikorua profile image

Hello PPtwo,

thank you for sharing and having the courage to open up about the continuous struggles after birth and living with a chronical mental health condition.

I was diagnosed just last year. My son is 8.5 yrs. old...I manage Bipolar 1, because of my wonderful partner and very sensitive son.

I feel fortunate and happy and only look back, when I am trying to help other mums, who need help.

Look after yourself,


Natalie_at_APP profile image
Natalie_at_APPAPP in reply to Pikorua

Wow Pikorua

What a heartfelt message x. Nice to hear from someone on a similar path I’ve never before opened up about my situation to anyone that’s not close or in that matter anyone in the same situation

Take care

N x

Pikorua profile image
PikoruaVolunteer in reply to Natalie_at_APP

Thank you and be kind to yourself!

Revans86 profile image

Hi PPtwo, lovely to “meet” you virtually here. Thank for your sharing your experience. It’s hard to open up about what happened, and I’m sure for you even more so after all this time. I have no doubt that your experience will comfort others knowing they’re not alone. And knowing too that they can recover just like you have from what is such a traumatic illness.

I had PP in late 2016. In my own experience I’ve taken such great comfort from the other people on this forum, their encouraging words and shared experience.

Sending my best to you.


Natalie_at_APP profile image
Natalie_at_APPAPP in reply to Revans86

Thank you Revans86 x

Hannah_at_APP profile image

Hi PPtwo and everyone here, it's good you have found the forum and are able to share experiences. I also wanted to post a link to this blog which you might like to read: ppsoupdotcom.wordpress.com/

I hope this might be helpful for you to read, with a variety of topics covered. The APP website also has links to some books and publications, including our Insider Guides (app-network.org/what-is-pp/... and also Personal Experiences: app-network.org/what-is-pp/...

Take care, xx

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