hello - I’m currently experiencing PP or maybe another form of mental illness. My baby is just over 2 months and symptoms started right at 2 weeks. I have been in A&E twice and to the “waiting ward” where I have been rejected by two private hospitals and have not been admitted to MBU. Does anyone know of a private psychiatrist who I could see who has experience with this?
NHS vs. Private: hello - I’m currently... - Action on Postpar...
NHS vs. Private

wish I did Unicorn. I’d be banging on his/her door right now. I suffered PP (I think) 26 years ago. I’m now menopausal and am suffering the same symptoms I had after the birth of my daughter. I’m sure I’m bipolar as I’ve struggled with mood swings nearly all my life.
The NHS is seriously overstretched, especially in mental health. It’s full of competent and caring staff who are struggling to keep their heads above water.
My advice would be to contact your GP. Let him know how desperate you’re feeling and see if he can help you find the treatment that’s right for you. I certainly wouldn’t rule out or rule in private treatment. Just make sure you get the right help.
Take Care and Good Luck
Julie x

Hi Unicorn23 ,
Thank you for reaching out to us. I would say book an appointment with your GP and when you attend the appointment be clear about everything you are experiencing. They should point you in the right direction and/or refer you to the right service.
I know GP’s can have long response times so my other point would be to be pushy, make sure you get that appointment and hopefully you’ll get the support you need sooner rather than later.
Take care & keep in touch xx

Hello Unicorn23,
I already wrote to you in private chat and hope you can find appropriate support/help. As already mentioned you will receive more responses from mums about any possible avenue in order to gain trust and somebody to listen to within the professional field.
When I was discharged from hospital, I have had a network of people, who have been communicating with each other, so that recovery was re-assured and needs are met for my baby and I.
I was registered with a GP, a female doctor who knew exactly about my trauma at the Psychiatric Hospital.
I was assigned a Health Visitor for 2 years as my recovery progress was slow, because of the ill-treatment I received when acutely ill.
I have had a care-coordinator and an amazing Psychiatrist.
The after-care was extremely well organised, where everybody communicated with each other and my partner and I were inclusive with decission making, or shall we say my partner was my voice, when still on heavy meds and in the process of weaning off with Psychiatrist.
This all was organised by the NHS, not private.
When poorly it is extremely difficult to get a support network organised, especially when suffering with MH issues.
Could you explain whether there is anybody who can help you? Are you registered with a GP? Hope you have a partner/husband, family and/or friends, who can give you a hand with being a mum and caring for baby.
I would not have survived my lived experience with PPP. if my partner would have not been so persistent in getting me out of the hospital. Luckily nowadays there are MBU's. The process is not easy and communication and transparency is extremely important.
Have you received any diagnosis at the moment? Once you know more you will be able to develop a care routine for yourself. I have received a care plan continuously with stepping stones on how to manage and cope with my routine. Of course therapy and therapeutic avenues will support your emotional and mental well being throughout your recovery.
Wishing you the best of luck.

Hello Unicorn23,
I am so sorry to read some part of your story, and how you have not been able to get the right help for such a long time.
When I experienced PP almost 5 years ago I was in general psych and a Mother and Baby Unit, through the NHS, and I am afraid I do not have experience with the private sector.
Your GP can arrange for a referral to a perinatal mental health team in your area for an assessment, and they can take it from there. Give your surgery a ring to get a GP appointment and explain your symptoms. Do you have a partner or close family member that can come with you to the appointment and also advocate for you? Sometimes I found it easier to write down what I needed to say before the appointment and read from my notes. You sound like you are in distress at the moment, and I am so sorry it has been such a struggle to find the help you need. But bear in mind that if it turns out you are experiencing pp, despite how traumatic this illness is, you can make a full recovery from it.
Do let us know how you get on, will be thinking of you
Hi all ~ thanks for responding with encouragement! I got the call to go to MBU tonight and will be reunited with baby there tomorrow. Glad to be on the right path to getting proper help!
Dear Unicorn23 - that’s brilliant news that you have been admitted to the MBU. Wishing you all the best for your stay there, and a good recovery. Don’t hesitate to post more here on the forum if you have any questions or concerns or need some additional support.
Take good care of yourself, all my best wishes,
Kat x
Brilliant news Unicorn. I wish you every success in your recovery journey. Xx

I am so happy that you have been offered a place at an MBU with your baby. Sometimes it just takes time and persistence but this is a big step. You will hopefully receive all the help and encouragement to get you back on the right track. Be gentle on yourself and take one day at a time.
Dr Lucinda Green. I saw her for pregnancy planning advice and she was excellent.

Hi Unicorn23
Thinking of you as you settle in and are reunited with your baby at the MBU - I'm so sorry you had to fight so hard for the care you needed.
We're all here if you need to chat or ask questions as you start on this next part of your recovery journey.
Warm wishes

Hello again Unicorn,
what a relief! So pleased that you are going to receive appropriate care and treatment. Such good news that you are together with your baby.
Thank you for being so brave and getting in touch!
Your recovery can truly start now
Wishing you and your baby health and happiness!