Anyone interested in becoming my PP '... - Action on Postpar...

Action on Postpartum Psychosis

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Anyone interested in becoming my PP 'pen-friend'?

Bramble7 profile image
18 Replies

Hi All, I am currently recovering from PP - my son is nearly 5 months old and when he was 10 days old I was admitted to a Psychiatric Hospital with PP, I was sectioned and remained at the Hospital for 4 weeks, my Son coming to join me at the MBU on the last week. I feel incredibly isolated just now and would love to be able to communicate with someone else/others who have had PP

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Bramble7 profile image
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18 Replies
kellbell profile image

I'm a bit too lazy for writing letters for an old fashioned pen friends jobby but would be happy to chat to you. If you're on facebook perhaps we could exchange details & use facebook messenger to chat about anything you like? Not sure how we ho about it without putting our details up here in public, i'll see if there's a way to send you private messages on here x remember you're not alone, so many of us have been there & it gets better x having friends that understand was a big help to me x it's been over a year since I got out of hospital & i'm still in touch with the other mums from the mbu x

Naomi_at_app profile image

Hi Bramble7

Thank you so much for posting this request - it's exactly what we are here for, and I know it takes courage to reach out when you are just beginning your recovery. Have you taken a look at the tips on our recovery guide written by mums?

I will be updating this guide in the next week or two as there are a couple of broken links on the medication guide - in the meantime the MIND website has really good up to date info on treatments

I'll post here when the new version is up


andrea_at_app profile image
andrea_at_appVolunteer in reply to Naomi_at_app

Thanks Naomi, that's a really useful guide that I'd have found extremely helpful when I was ill.

Naomi_at_app profile image

p.s. to send a direct private message you can click on the person's username and select the yellow 'send message' button.

to retrieve messages select the 'messages' link in the blue bar at the top of this page.

cheers, N

andrea_at_app profile image

Hi Bramble7, I can fully understand the feeling of isolation, it's really awful when nobody seems to understand! Just remember, you're not alone & there're lots of lovely ladies here who've felt the same as you do & are now happy, healthy & here for you - well done for reaching out. I'll message you my email address & we can chat by email if you like, as & when you're ready (I can waffle on for hours!)

Just to note, please don't post any personal contact details on here at all (as in the guidelines) just to be safe.

Take care & looking forward to chatting soon :-)

Poulson profile image

I would love to be your pen-pal

Isuffered two episodes of pp but was never treated

i successfully sued the health authority for misdiagnosis

If you want to contact meeither by e-mail letter or phone do not hesitate to contact me

Best Wishes

Kaiti profile image
Kaiti in reply to Poulson

I am interested to hear your story too :) esp about the suing bit!!

mummybumbum profile image

Im new to all this and would love to finally talk to someone who understands this stupid illness!!

Bramble7 profile image

Hi All, I just want to say a massive big Thank You, I thought nobody would reply and already feel better reading all of your posts. I am really looking forward to being in contact with others who understand :-)

sarah_at_app profile image


Glad you got in touch, it is so isolating and frightening at this stage of your recovery. I think knowing and communicating with other`s who have been through PP and come out the other side is so important.

I had PP several years ago and knowing others who have been through it has helped me so much.

Recovery was very gradual for me, my advice to anyone is to take small steps. I did lots of stressful things too soon like moving house and going back to work, which didn`t help. Look after yourself and feel free to keep in touch.

Sarah x

Bramble7 profile image

Hi Sarah,

Thanks for your message and your advice - small steps. I think to start with I wanted to go bounding forward, as I'm sure everyone does, but I have accepted the reality that it has and will take time. I am in contact with some of the other Mum;s on here now and being able to share our experiences has really helped me, I felt so lost and isolated and desperate and, like you say, frightened but I don't feel like that anymore. Thank goodness for APP, I can't imagine what it must have been like for others who suffered before it and this forum was set up. It's interesting what you say about moving house and going back to work - up until very recently I wanted to go back to work and I think there were 2 reasons for this. One, I never realised just what a strong part of my identity my career had been but two, and moreover, I think I thought if I did then everything including me would be back to normal and I craved this so much but like I say I have now come to recognise that things will take time and I have my little plan of action in place and, with the help and support of APP and this fabulous forum, I am getting ready to turn the corner :-)

Lilybeth profile image

Hi Bramble 7, how clever you are to have realised that you were isolated and needed help. I think we can all relate to trying to be 'Superwoman' but quickly find how exhausting that is. Relax ... it takes time for life to be 'normal' again but you certainly are on the right road.

I was sectioned following the birth of my first son .... 37 years ago ........ and admitted to a general Psychiatric Hospital, receiving ECT treatment. Back in the day PP wasn't recognised but eventually I was transferred to a Nerve Clinic so that my son could be with me and there we remained for six months.

So my friend, enjoy your new baby son, safe in the knowledge that we are all here for you and understand how it felt for us.

HelenMW profile image

Hello there, more than happy to correspond with you regarding Puerperal Psychosis. I am a Mum of three, one with PS and the other two without. My eldest is now 24 and my other girls are 16 and 13. Do drop me a line if you get a moment. No pressure!! Helen W

EmmiLou profile image

Hi Bramble7

I'd love to be your PP pen buddy too and help you in anyway I can.

I suffered from PP in September 2010 after the birth of my son. I am now in full recovery and feel able to talk about my experience. I never really understood the illness but with the help of a wonderful Psychiatric Nurse who was assigned to me this year and this website I do not feel isolated or frightened any more. I would love to chat to you, I don't know anyone who has had this illness so have never had anyone to talk to about my experience. My very unhelpful health visitor told me to forget about it but I don't agree, it is important to talk about your feelings, experience, and ask questions.

It takes time to recover from this illness so don't do too much too soon. I was the same, I rushed back to work after my son was 9 months old because I wanted the normality of my life to return so badly. My advice is to relax and not do too much.

Be great to hear from you. x

JenniferM profile image

Would love to correspond with you. You can email me at Please check out my website at I do my best to provide advocacy to moms.

Hannah_at_APP profile image

Hi, I hope you won't mind me replying to this too - although you've been inundated with responses so I hope you are in touch with people and life is slowly getting back to normal for you, (whatever "normal" is!) whilst recognising the changes that have happened. I had an episode of PP in late 2009 and would have loved to chat to someone who had "been there" and come out of the other side. It may feel like things will never be the same again, and in some way they won't, but you can get things back to where you want to be with the right support and patience. As others have said, taking things slowly can really help and talking also helped me. I had a fantastic CPN when discharged from 3 months in hospital and she helped me with everything from the practical to emotional and everything in between - including coffee and cake, very recommended! I'm lucky to have a wonderful husband and friends, and family who I can talk to about what I need to. Some people with no experience or knowledge of PP have been the best to chat to, as it's such an unknown area and raising awareness is really important I think. Hope things are getting better for you, there are loads of fab people on here so drop us a line whenever you need to. Take care.

Sherbetdip profile image

Hi Bramble, I too suffered pp following the birth of my first son in 2007. I am only just coming to terms with being sectioned and separated from my 10 day old baby. There were no mother and baby units available to me. I was medicated and allowed home two weeks later. I remained on medication for two years then unexpectedly fell pregnant again. I was terrified of it happening again and so chose to start meds again the day I gave birth. Thankfully i didn't relapse, stayed on the meds for two years and am now fully discharged from psychiatric services and medication free. I am finally coming to terms with my experience and would like to offer my support and understanding. Please believe me you will get better with the right care and go on to enjoy your life as a mother xx

Kaiti profile image

Just the offers of support here are overwhelming! Tis v heartwarming....count me in too!! :)

Take care


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