Hi Everyone,
3 years ago today was my second hospitalization due to PP.
This one was a though one cause by this point I had gone very far into my psychosis. I truly had no idea why people even wanted me to go to the hospital. I thought they were all crazy.
My family finally got me to go to the ER by saying that we all have problems and all need some help as a family. That at the time made much more sense to me.
I would say it was a good three weeks after this hospitalization that I even understood what I had.
I was kept for two weeks all while thinking I am right and they are wrong. Not once was the term Postpartum Psychosis told to me. Perhaps they thought I would not be able to fully grasp it.
I am in America and we only have two mother baby units which were far from me. And since my situation got so serious there was no time to travel. So I was with out my son.
At the first hospitalization they said my son could visit which did not happen and by the second I knew I would not see him till I got home.
In my daily life I am doing very well but memories do come up especially on anniversaries like today.
Anger comes up about certain clinicians I felt did not treat me well but I know that the anger just leads to nothing for me.
What I am angry about though is the lack of research and facilities for mothers in America. I was in shock that I live in one of the biggest cities in the world and there is not one unit for people like me.
I guess my main question here is what do people do when anniversaries come up. How to handle the emotions and do something nice for yourself?
Much love to everyone who has been a victim of this no matter what stage you are at.