How long does it usually take to recover from symptoms of anxiety?
Healing : How long does it usually take to... - Anxiety Support
Hi Titan, it takes as long as it takesThere is no time limit in reaching good mental health.
It's a daily practice with a life changing experience.
Finding the issue(s) that have caused anxiety to uprise can be
helped through therapy. Medication can also be important in
breaking that cycle of fear.
But it takes more than that. It takes Action...action to go forward
by changing the way you think and act each day towards anxiety.
Not fearing the physical symptoms but accepting them as a wayward
oversensitized nervous system. Remember that it starts with a negative
thought that if we continue to focus on, grows into a fear that will produce
the physical symptoms as well.
Breathing & Meditation can be tools that will abate the symptoms. Not just
for one day. It must be practiced each and every day. We all must find a tool/method
that works for us. As you continue coming on this forum, you will learn from others
and this is how we grow to success with our mental issues. xx
You're the best! I totally understand my sensitivity of the nerves, but they still hurt...that's why recovering is so hard.
Hi TinanConscious, Great name!
Coping with anxiety is really hard I know. It does go eventually though, with therapy, medication, and self reflection.
If it's caused by a stressful life event it may pass on it's own once the situation is over, or your brain has adjusted to it.
If it's seemingly out of the blue a therepist can help you understand what might have brought it on, help you learn to cope with it, or unlock past truama and let it go.
Sometimes it's nothing in your past and is just a quirk of the brain. No one really knows for sure why some people suffer with it and others don't.
What ever the reason know it is not your fault.
It's hard for anyone to estimate how long it might last for you, just know that you will get through it.
Are you seeing a therapist, and or taking any medication at the moment?
I'm seeing a counselor
Sometimes I have in-house consulting too
Hey. I think it depends on the person. My symptoms sometimes last for hours or sometimes days. I remember when my anxiety was its worst,my muscles were so weak and I was tired and dizzy. Weakness had lasted for months, bcuz I was still anxious and those symptoms made me even more anxious and so it was like a never ending cycle. I realized they go away as soon as I'm distracted and don't pay attention to them
Same, my symptoms at the moment are calmed down. Glad you are healed, and don't let the symptoms harm you again.

Yes,well I still get symptoms, but only pins and needles on my arms and face. Feels like someone is stabbing me with needles.
Same here, I got symptoms I my legs and torso, shallow breathing
Have you checked your vitamin B12 level recently. Pins and needles could / may be associated with your pins & needle symptoms you have on your arms and face if your B12 vitamin levels are in the lower range. Just a thought from my own experiences.
It only happens when I'm super anxious, but no I haven't gotten them checked. I don't get them just for no reason,when I'm very anxious my skin just starts to burn and I get those pins and needles
Thank you for your reply that is so interesting, helpful and a revelation to me, as once upon a time over 20 years ago, I had the pins & needles all over body and never connected it to Anxiety. Thankfully it didn’t last long.
Literally having that right now.

It’s sure to pass. I made a decision about something and felt better for it. And it stopped.