Benzos: Does anyone know if you take benzos... - Anxiety Support

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10 Replies

Does anyone know if you take benzos for a long time will your anxiety get worse. Please have an answer

10 Replies
Mariapalmer profile image

Sorry not the best reply but I know certain medications on a long term basis can start to have a reverse affect

in reply to Mariapalmer

What do I do now. I'm scared

Mariapalmer profile image

Don’t be scared you don’t know for a fact yet it’s causing it to be worse so try not to wind yourself up , go and see your gp xx

hippieebbbz09 profile image

Yeah I’d say see your dr . Like Maria said ^. I don’t want to say anything triggering because I can tell you have health anxiety like me.

Best thing to do is tlk to your dr about any concerns . It’s a good short term solution . I will say that much . You’ll be fine ! :)

Lm92 profile image

I've never had a problem with benzos causing an opposite affect and I've been on them off and on for nearly 20 years. What DOES happen is if you take them frequently, your body builds up a tolerance and an increased dosage becomes necessary, but only with your doctor's blessing. Don't be scared, but definitely speak to your doctor. They'll help you.

Hardluck profile image

Not from my experience. Works well for me.

leberar profile image

I felt my anxiety was worse at the beginning and fine after being on my meds for about a year. Although, everyone’s different. It could be that you need to up your dose because your body has gotten used to what you are on now. Of course, always speak to a medical professional before you increase, decrease, etc.

Cibolagirl profile image

There are many benzo withdrawal forums and Face Book pages dealing with this. I was off and on them fir over 20 yrs then BAM...It been a long awful journey.

beinganon profile image

I've been on benzos 25 years now with no real problems (I'm 42), except that like many people will tell you, you develop tolerance (require a higher dose). But that only happened to me till I was 30 or so. My dose hasn't increased since. Of course, your mileage may vary.

My sister (an MD) gives me the pills monthly because "real" docs (!) can get unnecessarily worried. She tells me that the danger/problem differs from person to person -- metabolism, liver function, tendency to addiction, etc.

She also tells me that cognitive decline -- fuzzy thinking -- WILL be faster in me than in the average man of my race. So I'll think and talk "like an old man" at 72 instead of 75... suits me fine :-)

Most importantly, she says it's important not to cut off or taper benzos "just because" they're dangerous. She says other docs need to see just how much danger and what dose they're talking about. If someone has a psychological addiction, she goes ahead and prescribes.

73cuda profile image

I think its more what type/ brand of benzo your taking will make more of a difference then anything else. I have been on klonazepam (sp) for over 10 years and the only problem I had was when the pharm switched brands it set my anx through the roof. Something in that brands mix my body couldn't take. They ordered (after a bunch of disagreements) my normal brand and it went back to working. I wound up moving and switched pharms talked with that pharm and the older guy behind the counter knew exactly what I was talking about. He even said, "some of the filler compounds in the brands benzos differ greatly and if a person is very med sensitive it can throw them for a loop, but the majority of people it doesn't have any effect". So now its every 3 month they order in the brand I can take

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