Can you guys tell me what your hypochondria feels like?? And do you ever try to fight it? And if so, is it really hard to REconvince yourself that you don't have whatever disease it is you're fearing you have?? Is it hard to convince yourself you're healthy before a Drs assurance??
Hypochondria : Can you guys tell me what... - Anxiety Support

I always convince myself doctors are wrong and that they aren't diagnosing me with the right problems and this stresses me out more. It's all part of anxiety and it sucks!!
I know exactly how you feel!! I do the same thing!! Right now the back of my throat is inflamed but no pain in my throat. And my neck hurts a little. My daughter had a viral cold and I know I caught it too but I'm barely coughing and my throat is not itching anymore. So the inflammation and neck pain I've convinced myself is the C word 😩And I wanna go to the Dr so bad but I'm afraid of what they will tell me, and the other part of myself is saying it's nothing but it's so hard to believe it's just nothing. I go to the Dr so much I'm tired of this cycle smh
Searching the internet is a big NO when it comes to this
I'm currently freaking out because
I got water in my nose on Tuesday from the faucet attached to a wall in our backyard
I saw giving my dog water & and the water got in my face
Making me think I got some deadly bacteria from the water (I live in kendall FL)
It's not helping
That my head hurts
Throats maybe sore
And my nose is congested
I'm currently freaking out
My anxiety just makes it worse..
Because of googling my mind already jumps to the worst possible situation ever...
So I kind of know how u feel right now.
Omg I know exactly what you mean, when I first noticed my throat my hubby was like DONT GOOGLE IT! I did it anyway, and ended up like this for 2 days now, depressed, can't function, nothing. Smh. I just called the nurse advice line and told my symptoms and she told me what to do so I'll do it but I'm so afraid if it doesn't work I'll have to go to the Dr smh googling symptoms tears you tf apart smh
Hello, I had this when I was was my first baby so I went to the doc for everything, I didn't want to eat any food out of a box because of fear from some kind of bacteria...I was constantly scared...THIS WILL GET BETTER, it's all part of that AWFUL ANXIETY.....I don't have it now, I'm suffering with GAD....😠😠😠😠
Hello Ry, we spoke a long time ago more than 6 months. You know what helped my hypochondriaism lol if that's a word. What helped is the WHATEVER attitude! I went through EKG, ECG, MRI, CatScans Everything! Every blood test! HIV tests, test for my blood cells for cancer etc and I was clean as a whistle! I said fuck everything and just ignored all of the anxiety symptoms that made me feel captive in my whole body. I was addicted to Zoloft for over 20 years! I'm 34 and I been taking Zoloft on and off sinxe I was 14! Anxiety took over my life. The way I think, eat, drive, dance, talk etc.. I wish I can completely let it go but I've been on edge since the first time I ever had an anxiety attack. I want you to just have that F it attitude. Go to the doc, get all the tests done make sure ur good. Then just try to enjoy yourself. There are times I'm thinking I'm feeling weird, not breathing properly, when I have a headache I think the worst of the situation, I think the worst diseases. I see people with canes and look young i think and obsess and think that can happen to me and I begin to be sad. Its a mind game sweetie. I'm hardly on here but if you wanna talk we can talk because we talked when I was at the bottom smh I was in shambles but I quit my meds cold turkey and just faced the fears. I still wake up tight chest, heart pounding for no reason but I just let it go away and take its course. You want to reach out u can. Just some tips, I'm still fighting anxiety and have a long way to go but I wanna help others too...
Hey yes I remember speaking with you!!! Thank You for reaching out to me, I really appreciate it.. this is the worst I have been as far as my hypochondria smh, I've done MRI's, CAT scans, X-rays and hiv tests all that too, all good, I've never had my blood scanned for cancer tho, not knowingly at least, and that's the one thing I'm so afraid to do now, I guess because it's the one thing I haven't done. I've had plenty of blood tests done, but I'm not sure what I was tested for because I always get the all clear, but I'm so afraid of that C word!!! That's the one thing I've been worried about now, having that in my throat or some other place hidden deep in my body smh I'm too afraid to get a blood test like that, smh I used to go to the Dr for EVERYTHING, smh it drove me crazy, now my health anxiety is even worse that I just want to avoid going altogether. I've been trying to have that f it attitude without going Back to the Dr, to try and train myself that I'm healthy and it's time I accept that. Idk.. right now it's just really hard for me
Yes I understand, trust me I've been there and I still battle those anxious thoughts day in and day out. My mind is focused on negative more than just being in the moment. As far as cancer tests, I don't think they have that. It's basically if they're doing blood tests and something comes up in your cells etc then they do further tests. That's why they do white and red blood cell count etc You can speak to your doc about your concerns. I just focus and do what I have to do. I'm going through a rough time now and happy that I am managing my anxiety. Sorry for the late response, I am hardly on here anymore. Send me a message some time if you'd like.
it horrid at times and of course there are merriment times too