Don't look at this if you have extreme anx... - Anxiety Support

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Don't look at this if you have extreme anxiety!!! But if you just want to check your symptoms. With my list of symptoms feel free to do so.

Mike1313 profile image
11 Replies

Common anxiety symptoms include: 

Body (anxiety symptoms commonly associated with the body in general): 

Allergy problems, increase in allergies (number, sensitivity, reactions, lengthier reactions) 

Back pain, stiffness, tension, pressure, soreness, spasms, immobility in the back or back muscles 

Blanching (looking pale, loss of color in the face or skin) 

Blushing, turning red, flushed face, flushed skin, blushing, red face or skin 

Body aches, parts of or your entire body feels sore and achy, feels like your body and muscles are bruised 

Body jolts, body zaps, electric jolt feeling in body, intense body tremor or “body shake” 

Body temperature increase or decrease, change in body temperature 

Burning skin, itchy, “crawly,” prickly or other skin sensations, skin sensitivity, numbness on the skin 

Burning skin sensation on the face, neck, ears, scalp, or shoulders 

Buzzing sensation in the feet, toes, hands, fingers, arms, legs 

Chest pain, chest tightness 


Chronic Fatigue, exhaustion, super tired, worn out 

Clumsiness, feeling clumsy, co-ordination problems with the limbs or body 

Cold chills, feeling cold 

Craving sugar, sweets, chocolate, usual craving for sugar and sweets 

Difficulty speaking, moving mouth, talking, co-ordination problems with the mouth or tongue 

Dizziness, feeling lightheaded 

Dizzy, feeling dizzy 

Electric shock feeling, body zaps 

Excess of energy, you feel you can’t relax 

Falling sensation, feel like your are falling or dropping even though you aren't 

Feel like you are going to pass out or faint 

Feeling cold or chilled 

Feel wrong, different, foreign, odd, or strange 

Flu-like symptoms, general malaise, feel ill, like you are coming down with a flu 

Flushed face, red face, flushed skin 

Frequent urination 

Head Zaps 

Heart palpitations, racing heart 

Hyperactivity, excess energy, nervous energy 

Increased or decreased sex drive 

Infection - increased infections, persistent infection 

Mouth or throat clicking or grating sound/noise when you move your mouth or jaw, such as when talking 

Muscles that vibrate, jitter, tremor, or shake when used 

Muscle twitching 


Nausea vomiting 

Neck, back, shoulder pain, tightness/stiffness 

Night sweats, waking up in a sweat, profusely sweating at night 

No energy, feeling lethargic, tired 


Numbness tingling, numbness and tingling 

Numbness and tingling, and other skin sensations on hands, feet, face, head, or any other places on the body 

Persistent muscle tension, stiffness 

Pounding heart, heart feels like it is beating too hard 

Pulsing or throbbing muscles. Pulsing or throbbing sensation. 

Rib or rib cage tightness, pressure, or feeling like a tight band around the rib cage 

Sexual Dysfunction, sexual uninterest 

Shooting pains, stabbing pains, and odd pressures in the neck, head, or face 

Shooting pains in the face 

Shooting pains in the scalp or head 

Skipped heart beats 

Sore or tight scalp or back of the neck 

Startle easily 

Sweating, uncontrollable profuse sweating 

The floor feels like it is moving either down or up for no reason 

Tightness in the ribs or rib cage area, may also feel like a tight band around the ribs or rib cage area. 

Tingling sensations, anywhere on the body, including the hands, feet, legs, arms, head, mouth, chest, groin area 

Throat or mouth clicking or grating sound/noise when you move your mouth or jaw, such as when talking 


Trembling, shaking, tremors 


Unsteadiness, dizziness, feeling dizzy or lightheaded 

Urgency to urinate, frequent urination, sudden urge to go to the washroom (similar to urinary tract or prostate infection symptoms) 

Warm spells 

Weak - feel weak, weakness, low energy, light, soft, like you may faint 

Weak legs, arms, or muscles 

Weight loss, weight gain 

Chest (anxiety symptoms commonly associated with the chest area): 

Chest tremors, trembling in the chest, chest feels like it is vibrating 

Chest pain or discomfort 

Concern about the heart 

Feel like you have to force yourself to breath 

Find it hard to breath, feeling smothered, shortness of breath 

Frequent yawning to try and catch your breath 

Heart Palpitations – beating hard or too fast, rapid heartbeat 

Heart - Irregular heart rhythms, flutters or ‘skipped’ beats, tickle in the chest that makes you cough 

Pounding heart, heart feels like it is beating too hard 

Rib or rib cage tightness, pressure, or feeling like a tight band around the rib cage 

Fears (anxiety symptoms commonly associated with fear): 

A heightened fear of what people think of you 

Afraid of being trapped in a place with no exits 

Constant feeling of being overwhelmed. 

Fear of being in public 

Fear of dying 

Fear of losing control 

Fear of impending doom 

Fear of making mistakes or making a fool of yourself to others 

Fear of passing out 

Fear that you are losing your mind 

Fears about irrational things, objects, circumstances, or situations 

Fears of going crazy, of dying, of impending doom, of normal things, unusual feelings and emotions, unusually frightening thoughts or feelings 

Heightened self awareness, or self-consciousness 

Need to find nearest washrooms before you can feel comfortable 

Need to seat near exits 

Head (anxiety symptoms commonly associated with the head): 

Brain fog 

Burning, itchy, tight scalp 



Dizziness or light-headedness 

Frequent headaches, migraine headaches 

Feeling like there is a tight band around your head, pressure, tightness 

Head, neck or shoulder pain, tightness/stiffness 

Head zaps, head tremors 



Numbness tingling, numbness and tingling 

Shooting pains, stabbing pains, and odd pressures in the neck, head, or face 

Shooting pains in the face 

Shooting pains in the scalp or head 

When you close your eyes you feel like are beginning to, or will, float upwards 

Sore jaw that feels like a tooth ache 

TMJ (Temporo-Mandibular Joint) - clenching of the jaw or grinding of the teeth 

Hearing/Ear(s) (anxiety symptoms commonly associated with hearing): 

Feel like there is something stuck in your ear, that your ear canal it plugged or blocked, that there is a pebble in your ear that you can't get out 

Low rumbling sounds 

Reduced hearing, frequent or intermittent reduced hearing or deafness in one or both ears 

Ringing in the ears, noises in the ears, noises in the head 

Pulsing in the ears, throbbing sound in the ear(s) 

Tickle or itch in your ear that you can't seem to get at 

Mind (anxiety symptoms commonly associated with the mind and thinking): 

Afraid of everything 

Altered state of reality, consciousness, or universe feeling 

Brain Fog 

Deja Vu, a feeling like you've done or experienced something before 




Difficulty concentrating, short-term memory loss 

Difficulty thinking, speaking, forming thoughts, following conversations 


Fear of going crazy 

Fear of losing control 

Fear of impending doom 

Feelings of unreality 

Frequent feeling of being overwhelmed, or that there is just too much to handle or do 

Having difficulty concentrating 

Nightmares, bad dreams 

Obsession about sensations or getting better 

Repetitive thinking or incessant ‘mind chatter’ 

Short-term learning impairment, have a hard time learning new information 

Short-term memory impairment, can't remember what I did a few days, hours, or moments ago 

Spaced out feelings, feeling spaced out 

"Stuck" thoughts; thoughts, mental images, concepts, songs, or melodies that "stick" in your mind and replay over and over again. 

Trapped in your mind feeling 

Underlying anxiety, apprehension, or fear 

You often feel you are carrying the world on your shoulders 

Mood / Emotions (anxiety symptoms commonly associated with mood, emotions, and feelings): 

Always feeling angry and lack of patience 



Dramatic mood swings (emotional flipping) 

Emotionally blunted, flat, or numb 

Emotional "flipping" (dramatic mood swings) 

Emotions feel wrong 

Everything is scary, frightening 

Feeling down in the dumps 

Feeling like things are unreal or dreamlike 

Frequently being on edge or 'grouchy' 

Feel like crying for no apparent reason 

Have no feelings about things you used to 

Not feeling like yourself, detached from loved ones, emotionally numb 

Underlying anxiety, apprehension, or fear 

You feel like you are under pressure all the time 

Mouth/Stomach (anxiety symptoms commonly associated with the mouth and stomach): 

A ‘tinny’, ‘metallic’ or ‘ammonia’, or unusual smell or taste 

Aerophagia (swallowing too much air, stomach distention, belching) 

Burning mouth, feeling like the inside of your mouth is burning, or tingling, or like pins and needles, or all of these together or at different times 

Burning tongue, feeling like your tongue is burning, or tingling, or like pins and needles, or all of these, or all of these together or at different times 


Constant craving for sugar or sweets 



Difficulty swallowing 

Difficulty talking, pronouncing certain letters or sounds, mouth feels like it isn't moving right, slurred speech 

Dry mouth 

Feeling like you can’t swallow properly or that something will get caught in your throat 

Feeling like your tongue is swollen 


Lack of appetite or taste 

Lump in the throat, tight throat, something stuck in your throat 

Mouth muscles twitching/jumping 

Mouth or throat clicking or grating sound/noise when you move your mouth or jaw, such as when talking 


Nausea vomiting 

Nausea or abdominal stress 


Numbness tingling, numbness and tingling 

Stomach upset, gas, belching, bloating 

Teeth grinding 

The thought of eating makes you nauseous 

Tight throat, lump in throat 

Throat or mouth clicking or grating sound/noise when you move your mouth or jaw, such as when talking 


Tongue symptoms - Tingly, “stretched,” numb, frozen, itchy, “crawly,” burning, twitching, “jumpy,” aching, sore, or swollen tongue (when it isn’t). 

Urgency to urinate, frequent urination, sudden urge to go to the washroom 


Skin (anxiety symptoms commonly associated with the skin): 

Burning skin sensations, skin sensitivity 


Numbness tingling, numbness and tingling 

Skin problems, infections, rashes 

Sleep (anxiety symptoms commonly associated with sleep): 

Difficulty falling or staying asleep 

Frequent bad, bizarre, or crazy dreams 

Hearing sounds in your head that jolt you awake 

Insomnia, or waking up ill in the middle of the night 

Jolting awake 

Waking up in a panic attack 

You feel worse in the mornings 

Sight (anxiety symptoms commonly associated with sight): 

Distorted, foggy, or blurred vision 

Dry, watery or itchy eyes 

Eye tricks, seeing things our of the corner of your eye that isn’t there, stars, flashes 

Eyes sensitive to light 

Spots in the vision 

Flashing lights when eyes are closed 

Your depth perception feels wrong 

Touch (anxiety symptoms commonly associated with touch): 

Burning skin sensations, skin sensitivity 

Feeling cold or chilled 


Numbness tingling, numbness and tingling 


Tingling, pins and needles feelings 

Other anxiety symptoms are described as: 

Being like a hypochondriac, muscle twinges, worry all the time, tingles, gagging, tightness in the chest, tongue twitches, shaky, breath lump, heart beat problems, head tingles, itchy tingling in arms and legs, and so many more. 

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Mike1313 profile image
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11 Replies


I remember some years ago when I started with anxiety it was never spoken about and they certainly were not advanced to be able to list the symptoms that anxiety could cause and to be honest for me I wish there had been a list because most on this list I have had in the past and can still now experience sometimes  and for me it can be reassuring to know this is an anxiety symptom and nothing sinister like my anxiety has always or did always want to tell me 

I do always say get checked out with a Doctor if you have any symptoms first just so they can give you the all clear that nothing physically is wrong and once you have that then accepting anxiety can create these feelings , sensations etc can be the start to over coming it 

Take Care x

Mike1313 profile image
Mike1313 in reply to

I agree bounce it took almost 42 years to come to grips with this ( debilitating disability ) from a medical stand point not a lot is know about anxiety it is usually thrown under the rug by doctors and patients don't get the proper care they need. It is a disease and it effects everything from the cerebral cortex to the frontal lobe? It even effect's the vagus nerve it causes the mind to race constantly and it if left untreated like mine was into a more sinister form!! PTSD or panic disorder just here lately the American medical journal has went as far as saying that anxiety disorders are by far more debilitating then the worst of brain disorders and doctors need too pay more attention to there patients. Tell a full blown person with ptsd to breath deeply or a person having a severe panic attack to take deep breath's!!! The mind does not shut off with breathing exercises it might subdue some of the distress at that moment but relapse is expected as soon as the person stop's?? See that is the worst thing about this disorder what works for one does not work for the other that is the complexity of anxiety. You take the common flu there is a cure?? Or chicken pox there is a cure or rubella there is a cure?? But mental disorders there is only band aids (I.e) med's and most are very powerful!!! Ssri Ssnri's do not work on me they make my anxiety worse busprone does not work it's like a sugar pill and if by chance an Ssri or Ssnri's work they have too be raised at such level's that the persons inability to function is compromised!! For me they have tried it all from bipolar medications to psychotic meds that are extremely dangerous to control   My anxiety!!! The only thing that work's for me is benzo' s 

And that is it!!!! I am what doctors call an extreme resistant serotonin patient and any change to the amount of dopamine or serotonin throws me into shock. I am one of a very few who takes benzo' for life. Sometimes only as needed and sometimes twice daily the good news is that I only take the smallest dose??? But bounce that's not the cure it can't be there had to be a switch a trigger and more scientific research into this disorder in 2016 it has effected more then 300 million people and it keeps sky rocketing every year some are just dope heads looking for drug's others are like all of us on this forum who need a breakthrough.... I only hope one day science will catch up to us and the medical community will start listening to there patients and start learning from them instead of pushing them under the rug?? Get a chance look at the number one reason for hospital emergency room visits?? You will find anxiety related symptom's as the number one culprit under heart attack and stroke. I and you and many of us are some of the greatest survivors known. We have learned to over come day in and day out what most could not?? All though my method's need work it is people like us that is the for front of this disease. We relate to many and continue to strive for a cure till then it's just   Forums and people like us that help those to try to come to reason with anxiety, panic, stress, and a god awful amount of symptoms. God bless bounce🙂

Tamlg profile image
Tamlg in reply to

I have been to the E R so many times, feeling like I was having a heart attack/stroke.. horrible, scary symptoms..yet the Dr could never find anything wrong. I do have anxiety attacks frequently n I m on xnax 2x. Daily as needed.i was just put on cymbalta and now I'm experiencing, burning tingling numbness on my face, heart palpitations, throat tightness, breathing difficulty.its been like that for 6 dr.said it's not from the cymbalta because dose is too low.i feel so werid.i don't know what or who to believe.can anxiety get that bad??

in reply to Tamlg

Hello :-)

I forgot all about this post , I mainly spend my time trying to get another anxiety Community active on HU :-)

I know from past experience that anxiety can give you all these feelings you are experiencing and also I know in the past that when I have taken medication somewhere in the back of my mind I am aware I have taken it which as soon as I have I have felt all different feelings and then that has given me more anxiety because I swear it must be the meds but if your Doctor is saying no and especially as it is a low dose it is doubtful

You also have to remember that it can at least take 12 weeks before this medication really starts to take effect and help with anxiety but I would give it that length of time unless it gets unbearable and if you feel no better I would go back again and at least your Doctor can't argue that you have given it a fair go :-)

Take Care x

loglegmomma profile image

Yeah... I can relate 😞.

But sometimes those come from treatable diseases like Borrelia infections from tick bites, so it's hard to discern when to talk yourself off the ledge & when to be more assertive to find a cause.

Mike1313 profile image

Always find treatment but these list's of symptoms can also if you have been medically cleared of the heart and body ? Be able too help you to understand what you might be going through?? Never take chest pain lightly or dizziness with chest pain back pain both arm pain if pain comes on with shortness of breath or you feel cold and clammy with sweat or you feel impending doomZ seek medical treatment right away!!!! Chest pain can save your life in the event of a heart attack sometimes months in advance you will have time to see a never take chest pain lightly. Or stroke sudden dizziness numbness to one side of the body. Unable to speak without slurring your speech. These are medical emergency's to look for?? That could cause sudden death!! And never drive yourself to the hospital!!! Always call an ambulance that is what there here for life saving treatment before you get to your hospital. So get an all clear from your doctor first and if he say's your in the clear and all you have is anxiety or g.a.d or ptsd my list might be able to relieve yourself if some of the acute symptoms of anxiety. Good luck and God bless🙂

Imys profile image

After reading this list I'm beginning to feel I might be normal after all.

Mike1313 profile image

I tell you what after having almost 250,000 dollars in tests 7 surgeries and a butt load of ekg's all that I was having was anxiety!!! It is a crippling disorder.🙂

hathi999 profile image

Hi Mike,  this is an unbelievable list and I feel fortunate that my anxiety is mild, however in researching my own problems I came up with a list of vitamin B12 deficiency symptoms which covers a great number of the same symptoms you have listed above, could there be a cross over?  Anxiety is a symptom of a vitamin B12 deficiency also.  I have posted the list (100 symptoms on my website - which is actually mainly about my swallowing issues) but you might find the list insightful?

Let me know your thoughts?  B12 supplementation has helped me so much and I could never have guessed that all of my problems could have been solved by something so simple, I thought I would post it in the hope that it might help some more of us with this.  

All the best


Mike1313 profile image
Mike1313 in reply to hathi999

That is true B-12 deficiency can cause a lot of those symptoms and B-12 is water soluble and easy for the body to get rid of so overdose is hard with that vitamin. I have used b-12 in the past and found that taking high amounts of b-12 gave me heart palpitations but they were short lived. I found that magnesium not only calmed my palpatations but also sort of settled my anxiety symptoms I take 400 mgs a day and sometimes 800 mgs there is no harm in that dosage as long as you have a good kidney and liver function. B-12 is a good vitamin over all and good for the heart as well and used in a lot of energy drinks because of its high metabolic way in which it acts on the human body. It speeds up the metabolism in the body so if you need a good pick me up b-12 is a good one for you but be warned as it can also speed the heart up as well.

OM1990 profile image
OM1990 in reply to hathi999

How often do you take supplementation ? Do you take a pill or injection ?

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