Just a question ....what do you guys think about the treatment of hypnotherapy?
Hypnosis: Just a question ....what do you... - Anxiety Support

Wish I had more time to write a longer comment. TRY IT!
It was not what I expected but it has been more helpful to me than counselling. Very interesting and I learned a lot about myself. I WISH I could afford to go more often. If you have specific questions I am more than happy to talk about my personal experience with it.
it really helps if you have some experience with meditation (even just attempts) before hand. And it helps if you are really willing to go for it and try without reservation. I don;t think it would have worked for me a few years ago but I was "ready" to change.
If it works then go for it I say.
Hi Jeff
Will definitely look into it thank you for the encouragement. How you feeling today
Currently doing somewhat better. How about you?
Don't know whats trigger my anxiety these couble of days but it feels like its hitting me full force. Feeling like I'm physically ill since yesterday. Left shoulder burning pain. Sharp pains on my right sids feels like a quick jap/ jolts. Dizzy ness, confusion, arm pain. I'm so tired but my mind doesn't want to switch off. So you see this is my bad episodes.
hello just a quick one i have had hypnotherapy and thought it was great i paid 60 a sestion and i think i had 10 but worth every penny my life is so different now to what it was were i wouldnt even go to the gate totally horrid i would defo try it