Just had my prozac upped to 40 mg how long... - Anxiety Support
Just had my prozac upped to 40 mg how long will it take to kick in? Have knotted stomach and very on edg
Do you have a meds fear or are you waiting for them to take affect
Is this the first time you have taken one I am presuming it is
These meds can work very well , but they can take a few weeks before they work so I doubt if it will be making you have the knot feeling in your stomach your anxiety will be the cause of that
Try & cast out your mind that you have taken one , keep taking them as prescribed by your GP & in a couple of weeks you should start to feel a slight difference
If you are not happy go back & speak to your GP how you feel
Keep talking on here it does help , people do understand & as more people see your post that have taken these you will get some more advise
Let us no how you go on
Thank you I was on 20mg but after a slight problem started to get the panic feeling in stomach went to gp and he upped dose but cant loose the feeling something really bad will happen
Well I would imagine if you have already been on them & they are in your system it shouldn't take long a few days & you hopefully will see a difference , I am not a doctor though just guessing
You could phone the chemist & ask to speak to the pharmacists they are trained & very efficient & usually helpful & would give you a more accurate idea if that would help give you peace of mind
Nothing bad will happen though , see how you feel over the next few days , our minds can play tricks on us with the anxiety but if you are really not happy then speak to your GP
Thanks x
Hi, when my medication was upped it only took about a week for me to feel better again, but all medication is different and takes different time to work... For me each day felt better than the last and when I stopped trying to force myself to feel better I did start to feel better.... I hope that makes sense
Another thing my councilor taught me was to allow myself time to mend, allow myself to relax, allow my medication to work and in time I will feel calmer. It's taken a while, and I'm nearly there!!
Really hope you feel better soon take care.