Day started well now deteriorated - Anxiety Support

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Day started well now deteriorated

4 Replies

Good morning but now I feel really stressed. Why does this happen. Why is my mood so changeable,

4 Replies

Hello Holly

BOB here

I have been asking that for many years, I suppose we become more stressed as the day closes and we need to wind down from the possible disappointment as the day goes on.We go to bed and that should be our comfort zone. That is why so many people with our associated problems have so much difficulty getting out of bed in the morning I suppose some do not want to face the problems of the new day.

Sadly in a way we have too pucker up and enter the daily madness that we need to suffer

Sorry for the low answer, you asked

All the very best good night


Thanks for replying. Take care

Stacey83 profile image

Its not always like this !!! Will all have gd and bad days even people with out anxiety can start a day of fine but end up feeling crappy ! We all have them try keep busy when u start to feel bad if u can't go out then maybe sort through sum bits that need tidying or sumthng like that lol :-). Hope u enjoy your weekend x

Thanks I will take that on board

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