cholesterol : Morning, hope you are all... - Anxiety and Depre...

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18 Replies

Morning, hope you are all well on this very windy day. Has anyone had increased cholesterol due to their anxiety and stress?

18 Replies

Hello firstly I'm sorry about yours and husbands battle with IVF I just read your last post as I don't know your history, I do know that cholesterol can raise from stress, I'm not sure why mine has since July gone from 4.3 to 6.2 so I am trying to avoid stress and I'm on a struck diet now, saturated fat foods rich in it like cheese chocolate even sugar if not burnt off turns to cholesterol, I am waiting a doctor's call to discuss going on statins, I read certain meds like proprononal I was on now n then can raise it, so I'm off them now, can you do more exercise and watch your saturated fat read labels in shops, for the diet have no more than 8g a day the average adult is allowed 18g perhaps I have been a bit less active this winter and few chocs and bit more cheese and yes some stress moved house end of summer, and had some worried about my mother and bit anxious about been separated from her too, and couple other stresses such is life, but nothing like what you have been through, I would see your doctor about statins at least for a while, and exercise and diet as said, maby you've been comfort eating or drinking, my cholesterol s stayed 4.2 for years and I was under lot stress then drinking and comfort eating so I'm confused as to why mines shot up, maby age I'm in my 5os menapause makes it go up, what was your cholesterol read please

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thank you for your reply. Before the ivf it was 6 but more good than bad so there was no concern. This was 5 years ago. Since then 3 and half years of ivf, moved house, a stressful job and now suffer with anxiety which I deal with most days. Because of the IVF my diet and lifestyle changed a lot for the better and I have remained on a healthy diet, hardly drink alcohol, starting to exercise more, lost 6.5kg through diet and it’s 6.2 which I was really shocked about. They mentioned statins but I don’t want to resort to them just yet because of the side effects.

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Hi I have some health anxiety and resorting to meds for me is literally a last resort the benefits have to outweigh the bad possible effects I know lots on them they are a life saver literally my dad had 6 cholesterol he was on statins but took himself off them he had a stroke my mother cholesterol was 5.6 she had a 95 per cent heart artery block, yes they were older mam in her 7os dad early 8os he was super fit a keen cyclist very thin I only weigh 9stone 4 I struggle to out weight on in past years but when i was young it was more 9 3/4 once reached ten stone my cholesterol was 5 but that was about 2o years ago I'd been working as a cook in residential home cooking with lard to make pastry and traditional recipe buns etc and eating it, we use cold pressed rapeseed oil now for pastry etc and cook with air fryer, no oil needed, my mother used to smoke this narrows arteries, my step dad had a stroke too died aged 67 this feared me into healthy living and monitoring my cholesterol, I hope to go on statins just to get it down as well as said dirt and exercise ive give up cheese and margerine or buttery spreads on bread, i have porridge and banana for breakfast anf avacado on toast, i have bought biscuits rich tea with o.3g sat fat rarely eat them tho,for me the benefits of statins are worth the risk as my anxiety on having stroke or heart attack is not healthy,if you come off statins the side effects I think go I'll check it 🤗

in reply to

sorry to hear about your parents. I’m having it checked again in 3-6 months so hopefully the small changes will make a difference and I was reading exercise can reduce the stress hormones plus I have a charity 10k to train for. Good luck with yours, keep strong and healthy 🤩

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Thank you that's great on your 1ok charity motivation and positivity good luck to you too keep us posted 😁I'll buzz off now been sat here too long haha b💤🐝no honey for breakfast too sweet lol 🤩

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Seems ok



SayNOtoPanic profile image

Hi Eddie122

I think it can definitely impact cholesterol and even blood sugars A1C levels. At least I’ve heard this from a couple doctors and relatives/friends have told me they’ve heard similar from docs. Maybe try some deep breathing exercises throughout the day and light meditation. Also brisk walks. Just to help some of the anxiety and in turn maybe help the cholesterol too. Lifting you in prayer. 🙏🏻

Kinlay profile image
Kinlay in reply to SayNOtoPanic

You are absolutely right. Be aware that antidepressants and antianxiety meds can also cause this. :-(

SayNOtoPanic profile image
SayNOtoPanic in reply to Kinlay

Indeed. How are you doing Kinlay? Hope all is well.

Kinlay profile image
Kinlay in reply to SayNOtoPanic

Mostly good - thanks for asking! How about you?

SayNOtoPanic profile image
SayNOtoPanic in reply to Kinlay

Glad to hear that!! I’m good thank u for asking. Chuggin along.

Dell12345 profile image

Do you take anyedication? Mirtazapine can increase cholesterol, as can some other psychiatric drugs (quetiapine is another that comes to mind).

in reply to Dell12345

Hi Dell…I don’t take any medication

Kinlay profile image
Kinlay in reply to Dell12345

You are dead on - and it's pretty much ALL antidepressants and antianxiety meds that do that, not just mirtazapine. I haven't been able to find one that doesn't seem to affect cholesterol (based on research studies). Mine went from fine to high as well. :-(

Teaching profile image

Mine is high too. Trying my best with exercise and dieting.

Pitalife profile image

I too have high ldl and I don't eat junky foods,or fatty stuff..I'm a very bad sufferer of anxiety and panic attacks,seems to say high I often wondered about stress and high cholesterol mines high ldl...Let me know if you find anything out or improvement s....good luck.....pita...

Kinlay profile image

It definitely can, but a dirty little secret the doctors seem to overlook is that antidepressants and antianxiety meds also raise cholesterol levels. They all affect levels differently (and there is of course variance among different people), but if yours has gone up and you are on medication, I urge you to talk with your doctor about what might be causing it and options.