It’s been a while since I had an anxiety symptom I couldn’t face and accept to overcome. I’m getting over some sort of virus which always kicks my anxiety into full force. It caused lots of body aches and soreness and tingling in my hand/ burning down my arm. I’ve had this symptom before so logically I know it’s probably just sore shoulders causing a pinched up nerve leading to the tingly feeling. But I can’t seem to accept it and shake the fear I’m having a week long stroke (lol I know I know). I know if I could stop thinking about it and bring my anxiety down my shoulders would loosen up and the symptoms would fade. I just can’t seem to ground myself and stop the constant body scanning.
Tingly hand : It’s been a while since I... - Anxiety and Depre...
Tingly hand

I understand the vicious circle. But maybe this will help a little. I have a problem where I keep my shoulders scrunched up all the time. It causes terrible pain and spasms in my neck and shoulders. When I’m more tense than usual it will cause numbness and tingling in my arms. Neuro says it’s caused by inflammation. Maybe that is what’s happening in your case. I rub my neck and shoulders with voltaren or bio freeze. Just a suggestion. Get better soon
You have been doing so great for so long. You have made so much progress. This is just a little blip. You will get through this and get right back to where you were. I am glad that you made the post and that you are reaching out for support. You are usually the one encouraging others. It is nice that we can give you some encouragement for a change. I hope the biofreeze and massage helped. Wishing you the best.
Thanks. It is a blip indeed. A stupid blip that is controlling my thoughts hahaha. Good grief. I know better. Thank you so much for the encouragement. This too shall pass. As for today, I’ve almost made it through the day and I’m looking forward to bedtime. I’m exhausted. I forgot how tiring it is having that constant uneasiness and brain fog. I have therapy Monday and an appointment with a new psychiatrist for meds in a few weeks. Hopefully they can get me stabilized. My therapists is beginning interoceptive exposure, I’m terrified lol. Things like intentionally making yourself dizzy, heart race etc. I know it’s necessary but I sure don’t look forward to beginning. I hate those somatic sensations, they are the crutch of my anxiety. Time to face them head on. Thanks for reaching out. Hope you are well!
Good luck with your therapy on Monday and with your new psychiatrist for meds in a few weeks. Interoceptive exposure sounds intense. It is good that you are doing it in the presence of a therapist and not just trying it on your own at home. I applaud you for your courage to do it. I would love to hear an update on how it is going once you start. I went to the pharmacy and out to dinner tonight. It is getting easier to go out over time. I just have to keep at it and not go backwards. I made a point to take in nature. I took in the Fall foliage, a rainbow, a sunset, and the moon. Usually when I go out, I don't take in my surroundings. It was really nice. Do you take in nature at all? Did the biofreeze and massage help at all?
Yay!!! I’m so proud of you going out and living amongst the people lol!!!! I knew it would get easier and easier for you. I LOVE nature. It’s my go to place of peace. I think we live in a world with so much input of lights and sounds and man made stuff it is overwhelming, nature is our intended input. When I’m feeling anxious the first thing I usually try is go outside and touch the grass, pull weeds, listen to the creek. Something about it is just so primal and normal. You are doing so well, I can’t believe how much progress you’ve made!!!!! Congratulations!!!!!