The doors open.: Come on in. - Anxiety and Depre...

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The doors open.

gerrerd profile image
14 Replies

Come on in.

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gerrerd profile image
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14 Replies

Good morning yes such true words I can say that of you you've proved your a true friend as have so many others on here, some friendships even long ones can fall by the wayside, but others can remain strong and emerge quickly from like minds understanding support kindness and unconditional friendship love, and there's so much of that on here, forever friends🙏 to you and all my friends reading and thank you all 💛🌟🐼and of course my pixiebob we come as a pair 💙😹

gerrerd profile image
gerrerd in reply to


Isinatra profile image

Sometimes friends are there when they can be and there are times when they can’t be. They shouldn’t be faulted when they can’t be there for you all the time. Stuff happens and happens to all of us at any given moment.

in reply to Isinatra

True, I value your friendship 💛

Focusedmind profile image

Hi Gerrerd! I am glad you made the plunge back to HU!! Now I can easily read your meditations on life again. I've been thinking about you.🤗 And I am glad you still have your original bio on file so I can find you.

in reply to Focusedmind

Hi Dyper lady 🤦🤩I love this post, we hadnt know each other long but I felt a instant connection with you I am choosey who I befriend but you've proved to be a true friend and I value your friendship 💛🌟🌛

Focusedmind profile image
Focusedmind in reply to

Thank you, Mandy! As I told Gerrerd last night, because of you, I made a list of 22 people on HU that I think are kind, mainly from the names you initially gave me. And hence, I believe that a high % of the people on here are good, with only a few exceptions. And because of you and your friends, I always look forward to having a good time laughing and interacting with groups of people on here. I also value your friendship highly!

Also, I have always looked forward to seeing Gerrerd's posts. I love reading his meditations on life! Not only are they often beautiful, but they usually resonate with my own beliefs about life. And while I didn't mind going to FB to see them, I missed the interaction with the other people from HU. And I felt his work deserves a much wider audience because of the quality of his collection!

in reply to Focusedmind

Good morning from UK 2 am lol I woke up for the loo ended up on here🤩🤦 thank you for your kind words and appreciation yes I feel the manority are good on here, unfortunately me having a birth chart similar to Meghan markles lol can somewhat attract misunderstandings been a Leo I'm prone to been out there as in posting and this brings attention sometimes bad I'm a very private introverted person really and value and need time alone, that's my cancerian aspects Venus mars ascendant and my moon sine Libra I like peace and harmony Meghan has Leo sun moon Libra ascendant and mars cancer if I remember correctly, the caring sensitive sine, the Leo in me combine makes me friendly warm hearted and I like to spread joy and bring people together some that can't make friends resent me for been popular and so I've took a back seat and don't post now, this has been detrimental to the community my posts nature and funny ones and park photography helped so many, I'm hoping to build my confidence up again, but as gerrerd understands once you've been reported and know eyes are on you it's not easy, so very admirable of him to get back in there doing what he's good at he said he likes helping people, I do too and wonder what my role on here is now at times as I can't be me, 😰💖🌷

Focusedmind profile image
Focusedmind in reply to

Can you be yourself in this Mental Health Support community as Gerrerd is trying to be? Everything you say is true about wanting to help others, being naturally friendly, and being sensitive to others' responses. Still, with time, haters lose interest and stop watching. You also have been very stressed out because of your move, so now is the time to relax and enjoy the last of the summer!

in reply to Focusedmind

Before I came back I was on other forums I didn't think I'd rejoin here I'm on loads lol there was bullying on British heart Foundation of all places a nice lady had to leave she got abused for been cheerful going off topic saying what a nice day she had and had a humour so many wrote and said they loved her post but it was affecting her heart, there's always one I had a friend who left here it made her health worst it did mine I went on tablets at one point adrenalin supressors a beta blocker my heart was too poundy with all the stress and worry about what to not say did I say something wrong etc and I started binge drinking again, Charlotte left because of this also she's too nice too sensitive to put up with watching it happen to me and gerrerd and she was in the firing line too at one point, she was reported for derogative comments which never made,me and her don't like social media sites I only joined as mam looked up heart meds that she had to come off and found Hu then lockdown came I joined positive wellbeing went on there and another anxiety forum and drink free for a bit I made great friends on positive wellbeing madbunny arymretep even admin became friends, a misunderstanding about someone posting osho stuff caused a big row a lot off here went on there last lockdown admin were over run by complaining people arguing over all sorts been locked down was too much people can't be caged up like that, I actually didn't mind I loved posting my helpful park photos and posts I had a laugh with bazzak madbunny some others on there total sillyness it was allowed on there, unlike here it's a depresshion site and we have to stay in guidelines, although admin allow some alternatives as know we need it too much depresshion talks makes us more depressed people go on breaks and leave, there's misunderstandings on why people leave come back leave come back they think we're nuts but we have our reasons some never intent to come back but miss friends and been able to have somewhere to turn to I've been with Hu about 4 years now and a year and half on anxiety site I only became active properly after my house sold when I cheered up and posted positive stuff then my popularity soared I became addicted to posting made loads friends and lost a lot when left some don't know I'm back now I don't post a nice lady called pat who had lovely photo on it was comforting seeing a person smiling back, it was common on positive wellbeing but here people seem to want to be anon there's only me gerrerd SS and few others that have pics on Charlotte did too until her son said mum it's not a date site take your pic off lol 😂 I've been told people find it comforting seeing my friendly face, when I came back I was watching clouds and sunset and I suddenly went all strong as I'd prayed as I do for angel guidance to be a better person and strong and calm next thing I saw mushroom lady post about her dog as I had to log on log off to do my troll search which is mainly why I came back to help out, then I found courage with support off HU so here I am it's addictive so we stay and so you will you 🙄🤩full moon in few days 💛🌟🐼

Focusedmind profile image
Focusedmind in reply to

All good comments! I am so sorry you had to go through all this on various sites and the HU website. And for Charlotte's suffering, as well. Four years is a long time! I think the secret might be to ask one of us to Post what you want, then you get involved with your comments, and it will be as if you posted it. Of course, we will back you up!

I don't post my photo because my family asks me not to, but I do post pictures on FB. (Ask Gerrerd what I look like; he now knows!) Of course, I will stay! I can't help but be addicted to some people here! My life is better because of them. 🤗

in reply to Focusedmind

I've seen a few off here I'll check face book just getting toast don't ever leave if you get issues see me first lol 😂

Focusedmind profile image
Focusedmind in reply to

Of course! I have no reason to leave right now. But I would do as you have done and talk it over with others. I will let you know how to find me on FB via chat.

Adlon57 profile image

Your best friends are there in your deepest hour, with the right words at the right time👍

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