Love ducks. Especially the Mallard and brown ducks their peaceful looking cute animals to me and I enjoy watching them and it helps me calm my nerves when I watch them at the local Lake that I go to.🦆
Favorite Animal: Love ducks... - Anxiety and Depre...
Favorite Animal

I like butterflies, I enjoyed going to the butterfly garden and just watching all of them
I like to watch humming birds. They zip into my feeders and zip right out so I have to be quick. Amazes me how they can keep those wings going and get their break in to feed.
Hummingbirds are really beautiful too one time I was sitting at my mom's grave at the cemetery and just one flew right up to my cheek and just linger there for a while I thought that was pretty cool I hope you're doing well and your family too
Hmm I like Crows, not really sure why. Just something about them .
But I also like cats, they are like house friendly tigers.
But I also like pandas... And trash pandas.
Idk I think I like most animals lol it's hard to pick just one
Yes they are.I love to spend time by the river with a coffee, watching the ducks.Especally if I'm feeling upset. It was my go to place for a walk during the covid lockdowns.
I love penguins…and gorillas! and elephants, all animals really…
Dogs 🐶🐕 dogs....dogsDogsDOGS!!!! did I mention, DOGS?🤪🤭
I love dogs, especially Weimaraners and Viszlas and elephants but actually all living creatures, even spiders.
I love cats and dogs but am lucky enough to live where I see lots of different animals in my back yard. Birds, rabbits and deer mostly.