Foundations: Anyone can develop their... - Anxiety and Depre...

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13 Replies

Anyone can develop their foundations since honoriums are so hard to push through other commitees

Nursing Hall of Fame .,,does exist

Memorial to Nurses - does exist (2016)

Dinstinguished Service Cross to others and Nursing -exists

per OUR foundation

by passes the red tape and

see belwo the awerd in Nursing Dist Serv Cross

all true..all real.......OURS...Our foundation

13 Replies

Brig57 - What medal is that? Good Stuff

in reply to

thanks for being so receptive..most people chew my ah backside for it...

DSC- disting service cross.....

im maverik enough to say sskjslkjlkjlj to mhs

and make my own foundation...ill do whatever i want wi5hout the pemission or approval or blessings of mhs

it MY foundation....i award whomever wherever and ps on mhs...

tried to take over my life ane make decisions on my life wit5hout my aut5hiri5y or consulting me whatsoever...

this is part of taking my*** power back.....

im just the wizard behind the curtain....

like in the story....the tin man always did have a heart

and scarecrw a brain

the test was just a test

saving dorthy....a reason to apply themseles in he test

awards more meaningful

earned first

now....u give the award.....(persons character or brains aleady 5the3)

(not trying to be difficult...not worthy...nothing to crow about...ant tell u why....i feel that way

i dont face what some of my friends face daily)

in reply to

i have also ghosted due to economics changing jobs and total life n the trenches and worst....people dont hear from me

for ?? sometmes i dont even remember ur coping to survive

or so sick from malnutrition u prob have walkling pnsuemonia

hakiint away in a shelter in freezing cold

damn that brig...never writes or calls or

im not going to ask for help ever

mhs cut me off and stomped on me when i was totally exhuasted ..

i will starve before i ever contact anyone exept good news

ur sooo busy trying not to freeze....scratching the surface man...

and deal with so many things.....

after awhile u cut everone off

start over to simip;ify and u have no phone no computer

no food no resources....

u dump everthint everyone

some say better to get in arguement and

ur women who can argue and articulate




thats ur point of view

u dont hindsight.........who ur locking horns with.....

walking away.......u say id rather hear the truth

bull hockey.....

thats only

one point of view not


point of view.....

he may not want to say things he will regret or a hundred reasons

or not ready


not guys.

((((((funny story-- friend sent me this the other day...

brig -heard the wildest commnet:

"women are amazing but what makes them truly beautiful is their love of men"

dude? what planet was this person on?? in this country??? i havent met anyone in last 15 min that doesn loath men and wish 5they were all sent to vets to be neutered...with a dull stone.....wh hello man????

had to admit....i have no clue manno clue

never hear anting like5his...heard time and again about wm destined to rule the wolrd and so forth....were just in the way. is what i told him...


in reply to

oh i get it now....(slow i R) ....she was at a grass party in Colorado...stoned to the gills......only way i can fig)

bad joke dept (if asked to hire security for parking lots around hosp and mauls id hire ex marine corps wonen ....tell them:

100 per head...."thrill Bill" (reference to a certain movie) love to see the seurity stats in a weeks time....

l o l....

wonderfuly horrible joke brig....back to ur cave in the woods ole man...

still......ahhhh the results...

beworth it lol

in reply to

some beatngs worth the results...know what ah mean?

horrible brig horrible.... every second

hey did u hear about the secuirty around one hosp in x?

apparently a biker got nailed by a car..shipped to an ER room and

long story short....

word went out on the streets anyone goes near femailes esp hospital workers of any kind in not nice way..........

let u all fig out the rest of the story in this polite company

funny how....certain people were seeen ahhhh packing

and moving elsewhere........

how strange how one goes near .....women inthis town....

without impeccable manners..........and caution

so the story goes......

prob just a story.....

yes- overstated...and correct....that was my understanding rfrom girls i grew up with.. who am i? what my fav color etd. look at her eyes no lower....

but rest of the country ...course my worlds.....they hate us....

granted - my *** conditioning....why we stay awsy from women in general unless u want to get roasted ... worlds......NOT all women... but....our experience and perception....with good reason....alot of scumbags out the4

hear u....have a hard time overcoming my fam hist and my worlds.........seen devoted wives esp farm wives general and i get it ....they hate us.........

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