NAD IV Therapy??: I just learned about... - Anxiety and Depre...

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NAD IV Therapy??

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3 Replies

I just learned about this and supposedly it helps a wide variety of illnesses, both mental and physical. I'm having a lot of trouble finding information I can trust, such as real people who have used it. So, what, if anything do you know about this? If you've had it, did it help? Cost? Locations, etc? I'm really interested in learning more because if the claims are real and true it could virtually change my life and many others.....

however, this is the place I get really skeptical. I've posted comments/questions on NAMI, and several other 'medical' sites and haven't gotten a single reply. Furthermore, having depression, anxiety, ADD, and a number of other 'things,' NO ONE, in any capacity of medicine has ever suggested or even brought up any "alternative" meds. Also, I attend several online support groups and again, never heard anyone mention this. Is it me? Do I just not have the "right" insurance? Or am I expecting too much hoping to get well?

Oh, wow, I forgot, if this actually helped people with many illnesses, the insurance companies, pharmaceutical companies, etc. will go out of business and we wouldn' want that to, hoo. We need to stay good and sick, keep swallowing handfuls of pills, and then develop some new addiction so we can spend a month in rehab! It's an endless loop of chasing our tail.

I've heard more horror stories from good people lately who have come really close to dying in or after visiting an ER! These are people from 25 to 85, who live all over the US. So it's not just some small area. I even know a nurse who said ERs are horrible places. He hates working in them because of the way other providers are treating, or mistreating patients.

Every time I turn around someone is being murdered, etc. This morning, in Tampa, FL a teacher was run over by a car in the school's parking lot and got pinned under it. Emergency personnel had to life it off and is in critical condition. (This was as of around noon, so I don't know if he or she is going to make it or worse.)

I don't know but 2022 has already disappointed me.

Anyway, thanks for letting me rant......You guys are really good people

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3 Replies
Agora1 profile image

Hi WriterG, I'm always interested in hearing about new things out there that mayhelp people feel better (both physically & emotionally ) However, we must always

precede with caution. From the beginning of time there were always medicines and

potions that claimed to cure. Not that they were dangerous as much as worthless

and costly.

I had never heard of this IV therapy myself. I found a site and read about it. This seems

to be integrative approach which is holistic. That's why you are not having getting any

feedback from the medical profession.

Let us know if you do hear from anyone who has had it done and feels the positive

effects from it. I wish you well :) xx

WriterG profile image
WriterG in reply to Agora1

Hello and thanks for your reply. I totally agree with you and am primarily pissed because in addition to being a family practitioner my doc is also an integrated medical provider. I have an appointment with him on the 21st and he’s going to have some “xplaining” to do! Furthermore the office where the integrated medical is practiced is significantly closer to me than the other one. I’ve had major car problems recently and haven’t been able to get to the general location but could easily get to the other one! Does any of this make any sense! Does anything make sense anymore? I feel like I’m in the friggen Twilight zone! Or maybe I’m dead and this is hell! Billions of people walking around texting and clueless about anything important. I’m almost afraid to leave my home the way you hear about endless and senseless murders in places we once left our doors unlocked. I remember a time when your doctor was a person you could trust and tell anything. You always felt confident he or she had your best interest in mind! Not anymore Before my head is bitten off I know there are many wonderful doctors and nurses. However the one’s I’ve dealt with in the past several years and a totally disgusting breed. Any way thanks again

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to WriterG

WriterG, I too at one time had a Family Practitioner who also treated holistically.He eventually moved out of the Medical Building he practiced in. Maybe the other

doctors didn't recognize his practice but he's gone.

Good Luck on the 21st with your appointment. Hope you get some answers :) xx

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