22 days on 25mg feel so drained like in and out of sleep the 2nd issues is left side under rib pain this pain worries me because it is painful been drs and hes like should calm down and could be side effect to meds but had it for 10 days now and i dont feel its linked to these meds i kno my own body but drs dont take me serious now they look at me like oh shes just anxious gggrr
Side effect of sertraline ? - Anxiety and Depre...
Side effect of sertraline ?

Hiya, I struggled with steraline at first but I now take it just before bed and now I have no problems. As for the rib pain I never had that symptom but hopefully you’ve just pulled a muscle or something and it will go away soon 😊
I struggled with sertraline at thr beginning too but now I’m fine. It takes time… about the pain on your side I didn’t have that problem. I don’t think is side effect.
How long have u been on them & what dose are u on people r telling me stick with them im only on a small dose i didnt want to up the dose of mine because i felt id get bad side effects so stuck to low dose and been in these now 20 odd days said after a month i'l try and up them scared off the out come if i do get side effects as had sweating and headaches and feeling a bit brain dead of these
Sorry for the late response! I hope still can help with my answer. I been on 5 years. I stared 25mg took look to find the right dose. Went up to 50 then 75 then 100. Under my doctor supervision. I will say after a year with adjustments I get my balance and went back slowly to the 25 mg. Which is my daily dose. Always at night. Been steady on that dose last 3 years… Is been life changing for me… hope this helps
Well everyones told me to stick with it moved up to 50mg 9 days ago after being on 25 for 2 snd half months but 2 days of feeling shaky and tired feel lack of motivation to do anything on the 7 day of the 50 it doesnt feel like im ever going to get better horrible down and low energy