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Health Anxiety and Somatic Symptom Disorder

Alwxysscared profile image
10 Replies

I’m struggling with severe health anxiety have been for 5 months now. When I first started experiencing this, I was convinced I had heart failure. Eventually that fear turned into a fear of having kidney failure, then came a fear of internal bleeding, followed by a fear of the C word and now I have a fear of having ALS. The main problem is I was also diagnosed with Somatic Symptom Disorder so any time I worry about an illness, I end up experiencing symptoms. While I know I have ssd and health anxiety, I can’t convince myself I don’t have these horrible conditions. I’m 20 years old and my life has come to a stand still. I started worrying about the latest condition because after using scissors for an hour on a few days ago, my index finger began to twitch. Since then I’ve been compulsively checking my hands for twitches and shakes, sometimes it looks like they’re shaking but I can’t be sure, I’ve also felt a couple other twitches which of course only makes it worse. Everyone tells me I’m fine but it doesn’t help. I hope someone else can relate and can help me not feel so alone and understand.

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Alwxysscared profile image
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10 Replies
fromzerotopanic profile image

First, know that you are not alone!! Many of us struggle with health anxiety. The advice I have received that has helped me the most is this: First of all the only way you think you have a particular disease is because you've googled the symptoms, correct?! We all do it, but we have to stop! I would have a symptom, then google it, hoping to find that it did not indicate the disease I was worried about at the time, but it often did (that, along with countless other conditions/diseases that I never bothered to think I had!), and so I'd spiral down a deeper hole! What also happens is, Id google something that didn't end up pertaining to my "disease of the month", but, because I had read this other problem, it would come back to haunt me later! "Pain in my ear?! Oh my gosh, I remember reading months back that it's a symptom of X"!! And so it goes! So as for advice, remember this: Has a medical person actually told you that you have "X, Y, or Z"? No? Then your mind is simply making up scary stories, so don't waste your time googling them and making them scarier! But if you find that you absolutely can't survive without googling something, then google the only thing you actually have had a diagnosis on, and that is, health anxiety/somatic disorder. Then, you will find suggestions as to how to manage it. I recommend checking out DARE, approach to anxiety! They have excellent videos on youtube that helped me so much with my anxiety!! Its not easy, but it gets better, and know that you're not alone!

Unbeleivable profile image
Unbeleivable in reply to fromzerotopanic

Omg thats me as well. Great Advice thanks.

Alwxysscared profile image
Alwxysscared in reply to fromzerotopanic

Thank you so much for the advice!! I actually didn’t google this time. What had happened this time is a friend of mine, his mother had what I’m worried about and passed from it a few years back so during his grieving we talked a lot and he told me about his mother’s symptoms and things like that but I never gave it a second thought. Then when my finger twitched last Thursday it’s like everything he told me suddenly came rushing back to my head and that’s where this came from. Since then I notice every twitch, I stare at my hands to see if they shake, it’s so crazy how this happens.

fromzerotopanic profile image
fromzerotopanic in reply to Alwxysscared

One of the very common triggers for health anxiety is having a personal connection to someone going through an illness.

Gina54321 profile image

I feel your pain. I’m exactly like you. It’s always there and it’s even worse during the night. I lie in bed thinking about all the terrifying possibilities. My mammogram’s coming up in May and I’m already visualizing the radiologist coming into the room with bad news. Then I think about how I’m going to tell my kids. I’m so sorry you’re dealing with this. I’m trying to find a therapist and I hope you will too. You’ll be in my thoughts and prayers.

Alwxysscared profile image
Alwxysscared in reply to Gina54321

Thank you so much. All my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. I do exactly the same thing, I try to sleep but my mind won’t let me. I stare at the ceiling just panicking about everything that could be wrong. I worry about the twitching and of course then it happens. I can tell myself it’s anxiety all I want but it doesn’t help, that little voice saying “it’s not anxiety” is so loud. I’ve stopped being able to be alone, I can no longer sleep alone anymore, excuse the terminology but it truly is crippling.

Daveacr1959 profile image

Read my profile, after my 2 year treatment and surgery for rare cancer, I have health anxiety and anxiety. I used to wake up for 30 years without a alarm at 5 am. And run my 2 businesses I started. Go to the gym at 6 am for 42 years. I had to sell the businesses a year ago. I didn’t have it in me to keep pushing. I am 63 on my next birthday. Here is what helps me. 6-8 hours of sleep each night. Wim Hof guided breathing exercises free on you tube. Before I get out of bed and before a meal if I want more. A pure 5-15 minute pure cold shower daily. Water temperature varies so when warmer stay in longer.,40 minutes of daily cardio exercise to produce endorphins. It sounds like you need a counselor who has experience with health anxiety. Please try the things that helped me. We both know worrying about our health isn’t going to help it. So let’s do things to build up confidence and be healthy.

TammieB profile image

I am also experiencing this anxiety about my health. My doctors are trying to find the right medicine for my blood pressure and I am having horrible side effects. I am so lite headed and off balance that I can't walk at times. I have a blockage in my heart and leg but they say not bad enough to have surgery, so I am on medication to help with that and having side effects from that. This is taking my life away from me. I no longer drive ,work, or enjoy anything. I have two beautiful grandchildren I want to be in their lives and be happy. I will stop talking . Just want you to know I understand your anxiety . I wish the best for you. Take one day at a time.

Gina54321 profile image

Hi, Just checking in. I know how alone you can feel with health anxiety. I just wanted you to know you’re not alone. There are lots of us with the same problem. Thinking of you and hoping you’re not struggling today.

misslillie profile image

I think I understand. I am a cancer survivor and so I am on hyper alert about it returning. It has not since initial occurance in 2004. Factor in good outcomes when you imagine the future. We don't always remember to allow for a happy ending.

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