I am grateful for my nature trip
My family
That my meds are working
That I have fun plans to look forward to
For you guys on here ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
I am grateful for my nature trip
My family
That my meds are working
That I have fun plans to look forward to
For you guys on here ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
I’m grateful that I am alive I am grateful that I can breath I am grateful for the people on HU I’m grateful for kindness love and support
My friend who took me shopping two hours away and let me talk and cry. That I get to see my grandkids in two weeks!
Hello I am also happy, we just returned from several long weekends. We are history buffs and it was wonderful to get out and about again. Now at home I have some new property guides to enjoy if we go back to those horrible lockdowns. All brought back some happy memories of earlier visits.
Awesome ❤️
Salted caramel ice cream with a chocolate flake
Hi! Nice! I had ice cream with caramel today too ❤️
Been wondering how you was ,…how’s the beautiful toady 🐸
Oh, that sounds delicious. My favorite is Moosetracks ice-cream.
That looks good …😄….mine is local to this area famous for its dairy stuff…it’s irresistible 😋….we have to take the small victories and run with them 🍦🍨
Yumm! To small victories!
I saw it on you tube …..😋….moose track chocolate fudge looks nice
There's peanut butter in it too!
I had an ice cream the other day had like caramel popcorn on top was like popping candy ….peanut butter in the mix sounds delicious
God's unconditional love, family, friends, medications, my house, my car, my therapist and psychiatrist, freedom, grace, and peace. I'm sure I forgot something, I'm also thankful for this forumn and peer support.
Not allowed an Ice cream, they were stopped years ago. Mind you can buy me one I would not tell LOL
Not allowed? ❤️ 🍦
My Wife told me several years ago We should not eat Ice Cream so we stopped, funny really she said do you want an ice cream whe out for the day four weeks ago. I turned around and said we should not have any. So She walked away.. Something like that, we play silly people.
😂 😂
I am grateful for HU, as always.
I am grateful for all this rain, I love rain.
I am grateful to you, Starrlight, for creating these "grateful" posts, we all need gentle reminders that there is always something to be grateful for. ❤️
You are a pluviophile then. Awww you’re welcome Snow ❤️
I had to look up the definition of "pluviophile." You are right, Starrlight, I am surely a pluviophile.
Pluviophile ....
A lover of rain; someone who finds joy and peace of mind during rainy days.
I am one of them too Snow
We got to go wine tasting at a winery we are members of today... haven't been able to since the pandemic. It was so lovely & we got to talk to the wine maker, who is awesome. We were also able to grab the last table for the sparkling wine event next month (❤🥂). We also got 2 things settled for our trip with our friends in a few weeks. We are going to celebrate different holidays that week... my husband was able to order a turkey for our Thanksgiving. And I was able to get reservations for a dinner to celebrate birthdays. So... lots of good to focus on.Big hugs Starrlight. Those are beautiful flowers- what are they? ❤❤❤🫂🫂🫂
I am grateful that I am alive. Also that I am in great physical condition at age 63. That the flat tire on my bike did not show up until after I put my bike in the garage. That God does not give up on me.
People that keep me laughing
Yes laughing reduces stress and we live longer so I’ve heard
I'm grateful for a beautiful weekend with my granddaughter and daughter. Lots of laughs and fun stuff.
Saturday we floated in the lake for hours. It was so enjoyable.
Life is good
Floating sounds soooooo nice im trying to imagine I bet it was such a free feeling with peace and joy all wrapped up in one. ❤️
I am grateful for my parents who, at times, scold me because they care about my wellbeing.
I am grateful for respecting my own boundaries, especially when under pressure.
I am grateful for my therapist who has given me the tools to help myself when I am having intrusive thoughts.
I am grateful this post exists as a reminder to be grateful.
I am grateful for nothing.
This is okay, animefan94, not everyone feels grateful. Sometimes we have to dig so very deep to find even a glimmer of positivity. Been there.
Thank you 🙏 ☺️