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gerrerd profile image
7 Replies


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gerrerd profile image
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7 Replies
Rafiki11 profile image

I love this! There’s a lot of truth in it.

Dearest gerrerd, love what is written and think it is very true, I hate to say this really I do but how on this earth can you when the neighbours do not converse with you because of what someone else has told lies to them of which they believe. This has happened to my husband and myself, there is one woman who 18 years ago befriended us when we returned to live in the village where I was born, and all was good at first as we thought, this went on for a couple of years then all of a sudden after we trusted her, she also told us about herself and her lodger friend who has now sadly died he was a lovely man and we got on so well, he loved his garden and would come over to us, share his home grown veg etc., he was a good neighbour although he lived with this awful woman. Awful as she would take any new neighbours "away" from us and tell them this that and the other about us, she even tried to take away the friendship I had with my late mum. I did try and tell mum and husband about her but my poor mum found out the hard way, which was unusual as my mum was good at judging people. When mum went to sleep 7 years ago she told the rest of the neighbours how bad I had been while mum was fighting cancer. Since this only 1 neighbour out of the 6 here speaks to us and that is when/if we see them.

Now for 4 years we have been plagued by a man who lives next door to us, he told us so many things that later where found or worked out to be lies. We have been almost suicidal over the music he has played (he is 64) and has played what I call "teenage" music with a lot of thumping coming from a sub woofer which I believe is some kind of speaker that picks up the base tone of the music, I could be very wrong, he also has a home cinema t.v with a 2ft sound bar and in total including the t.v. 11 speakers in all. The bungalows we live in are 1 bed, front room, a kitchen and I have a wet room as am disabled, husband is my full time carer also aged 64, I am 57. This neighbour has been trouble since night he moved in, but we gave him the week to settle in, have a party, friends round to see his new place etc., but he continued for roughly 3.5 years after we complained to our housing association, but then it got out of hand as we had to involve our local P.C.S.O's, music till 03:00 a.m and later. We could not sleep in our own bedroom, we even went and knocked on his door at 02:00 a.m in the morning as we had enough of his noise, he was fine at first and invited us in to show us where his music aka t.v was placed, right next to our bedroom wall. Very politely we asked him to turn the volume down, but no he wouldn't. In the end I said that I would call the Police and with that he turned completely and called me a .......wench x 2, my husband thought he was going to hit me as he had got far too close for comfort, so my husband stepped between us while I made an escape via his front door but when I turned round all I saw was my husband being shoved hard against his front door. So after this and 1 very trembling husband later called the cops who took a statement from my husband about 2 weeks later, but as it was our word against his there was nothing they could do apart from having a word in his ear which they did. Our housing association did not do a thing although they gave us x amount of diary sheets to write all the noise we heard down. They had almost 4 years of diary sheets and we had not just 1 ASB officer but 4, 1 of which lied to us about something, and I have kept the email together with our G.P letters and all my husband diaries. We were unable to tape any noise as this sub woofer thing could not be picked up through 9" brick wall, this is the way older places were built in the 1960's, although we could hear it thumping away nothing at all would pick the noise up, we have even called our local P.C.S.O's (101) who came out several times to us and even went round to our neighbour wearing their body cams for evidence, then our housing officer was passing in January last year and heard the noise for herself and even said it was far too loud, but still housing association have done nothing and, we have to try and get some rest in our front room which with my disability is not easy, my husband does not even sleep for 2 hours, he has chronic arthritis, and now also suffers like myself from Anxiety, depression and nervousness of this neighbour who has like this woman told them so many lies about us it is not funny.

We are now on the housing register to move and I don't want to go, why should we as we are not at fault, this is our home and the village I was born in, but my husband hates it here now. We have built this place up, worked so hard on our garden with a beautiful view of the hills and fields out the back of where we live, and I am in disbelief as thought this would be our last ever move, but now feel as my husband just sits and stares into space mainly, that my life is over this is my home and why should we be the ones to go when we have done nothing wrong.

Can you please try and explain to me what I should be doing, I need someone to help me please. All I do is seem to get angry with myself or will just sit and not speak, just snooze and hope it will all go away.

Sorry this is so long - xx

P.S. This neighbour of ours is also an Alcoholic and is taking a class A drug.

gerrerd profile image
gerrerd in reply to completely-zero654

Well I had the same problem, 3 years ago, with noise music etc from my younger neighbors was making me ill ! I started do jappa meditation, within 3 weeks or so they moved now I have very good quiet people next door. Wayne W Dyer has a program on how to do it, Hayhouse online or nightingale conant . You cant change other people you can only change yourself, then they will change their beliefs about you ! Jappa is a meditation, were you envisage the feeling of everything being quiet and peaceful. in your case. then you make the sound ahh repeatedly for 20 minutes or so first thing in the morning when you wake. Then just before you go to sleep you give thanks for your life becoming peaceful and quiet, the you repeat the sound ohm for 20 minutes or until you fall asleep. dont get attached to the results and just do the sound meditations day and night dont give up just do it ! it may take a while but it worked for me ! this will help you if you do it diligently daily, dont give up, Ray. make the sounds stretch out like ahhhhhhhhhhhh ohmmmmmmmmm

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to gerrerd

Thanks gerrerd. I had never heard of Jappa meditation. Will take a look and

try it. It seems to have worked for you. :) xx

gerrerd profile image
gerrerd in reply to Agora1

Very powerful if done as a daily practice, its used for manifesting if done with a good heart and not for greed ! xxxx and done with gratitude !

completely-zero654 profile image
completely-zero654 in reply to gerrerd

Bless you gerrerd for your reply, know it is going to be hard for me to do this as our neighbour does have a tendency to listen now as he has been warned about the noise, but not taken much notice. He knows we do not sleep in our bedroom somehow, but has his t.v./music on all night until he hears us around at 03:50, then he will creep about from room to room and has got to know even when we boil the kettle for a cup of tea, and I am deadly serious about this, no joking.

Your suggestion is an extremely kind one and as Agora1 says she has not heard of Jappa meditation I am also new to this. When able to I will give it a try but at present my nerves, thoughts, feelings are in a right mess over this whole thing at present so it could be a little while before I try.

I do thank you and wish all the best of health & peace to you.

gerrerd profile image
gerrerd in reply to completely-zero654

Try it just a few minutes each time then build up you do not need to do it loudly, even a few minutes things should change .

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