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Feeling way too stagnant, I need to get a job and I guess I'm too nervous and fussy.

4 Replies

Okay, I KNOW I'm on this site too much sometimes, some of you may be groaning oh, not her again!!! There's a lot of places around me that are hiring right now, which is a positive. But as a lot of you already know, everything is now apply online and especially because of the pandemic they want to interview you over the phone. I happen to be 50, even though no one needs to know my exact age, I feel like I'm going to be passed over in favor of a millennial who has computer genius skills compared to me. Nothing personal against any millennial, but that's what I'm up against!!! I just want a part time job and I'm well aware that a lot of the jobs are seasonal and may end in February but you never know. And as for applying online, I'd really have to apply on my smartphone because the computer I used to have is messed up, and I'm embarrassed to say I am very unsure about how to create a decent resume and then try to upload it on to the job application. I do have a high school diploma and I have taken a ton of various community college classes, but alas, no college degree. I've worked at various jobs, worked in a bakery for 2 years, worked at a gift shop for one year, worked as a mentor/ tutor for 2 years as part of an education program that inspired me to try going back to college, and I've even worked as a movie extra which was exciting and had Hugh Jackman walking right next to me. But I know how some people would then just classify me as a job hopper. I haven't worked in years and I've been surviving on disability but I'm sick of it, I'm at a point where if I get a job interview I just don't want to mention that at all and take my chances. I know myself and I'm trying to look for something where I'm not going to be pressured to work super fast, and I just know I would not last long doing something like being a waitress, but doesn't mean I can't do a decent job and I really want to get something going!!! Any advice??? And I don't care what age you are, I am totally open to ideas here!!!!!

4 Replies

My mom recently just got a job at goodwill, and although it’s not a dream job she’s really happy there. It keeps her busy and they don’t over work her like they do in retail at other places. She’s 55 y/o. I’m not sure what jobs you’ve had in mind, but there’s a lot of resume helpers online that set up the resumes for you. My advice would be to convince the hiring manager why they need you, I’m sorry if that was harsh at all but it’s landed me every jobs I’ve had. I try to ask myself how could I make their job easier. I hope that helps!

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That is very helpful, thank you!!! I know I need to work on my mindset too, I know how at a job interview you want to appear positive and confident and have a good attitude. Where I get tongue tied is when they want to do the "what skills do you have?" question. I've worked using cash registers before, been trustworthy at counting the money in the drawer, worked with trying to help people and I've done some volunteer work , but as you can tell all this technology now is overwhelming to me. And the other one they're going to get me with is "Why haven't you worked in so long?" I can try to explain that I have been through some hard times and went through a rough relationship breakup and spent some time going back to college but I know I don't want to get bogged down in all this really personal stuff and I'd want to somehow move the focus back to This is what I can do for you and this is why and how I can be an asset working here. Ugghhhh, job interviews can just really stress me out. Sometimes it's tricky to know exactly what would be a good and honest answer without saying something that seems questionable or negative.

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I worked at Bank of America for a few years but I remember during the interview they said they would only hire 1 person out of the 5 people they were interviewing it made me really anxious. I don’t think they asked about computer or tech skills at all. Mostly situational questions where I tried to focus on how I could make the managers job easy. If there was a problem I wouldn’t call the manager right away, I’d try to find a solution by de escalating a clients concern. This is just an example. If they asked why you haven’t worked so long, schools a great answer because it’s honest. You don’t have to go into depth. I encourage you to give the interviewer the benefit of the doubt, they understand that we’re in a recession and people go through hardships and other personal issues. The main thing they want to know is how can they rely on you and that you will show up with your best. You’re definitely able to do that I’m sure :) I know this by your enthusiasm to work again. Goodluck!

I was finished and retired in Jan 1988 and have not had paid employment since then. If you feel stressed regarding going back at work would Voluntary Work not help in the first instance. Sometimes finding a new work position is made easier to find if you are in any kind of work, You need to gain your confidence back and move on, if you can work flexible hours Voluntary Work will help you, especially if your work time is restricted. Give it a try.

I worked voluntary for about twenty/thirty years in a Mental Health Day Centre and it did help me shipt my mood to a more positive place as members would give out support and help with problems that would haunt me. After extended periods of no work we need to do something that will boost up your mood


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