Anyone have any tips on skin picking? I CAN'T STOP. 5-10 minutes can go by of skin picking, and then I get tired and don't want to finish my tasks. My skin looks pretty bad in my opinion, though it's easily coverable with foundation (the scars aren't deep, just surface level). How am I supposed to love someone else and be close and intimate with them when I pick my skin so much and despise the way I look because of it?
Skin Picking, Tips? :\: Anyone have any... - Anxiety and Depre...
Skin Picking, Tips? :\
I've associated it to my anxiety. Whenever my mind starts wondering or I'm not distracted enough, I find myself obsessing over every little bump. When I'm anxious my skin is super sensitive and the slightest hair or breeze makes me itch. I look like I have a drug-problem. Doesn't help that I have eczema and acne in my 40s. Sorry I have no cure, I can only relate. Keep me posted on a solution please!
obsessive compulsive disorder. I’ve experienced a bit of OCD in my life. I used to twist my hair kind of obsessively, but it wasn’t as debilitating as your situation. Anxiety is definitely the source of it and you need to work on what’s causing that..
Be careful with that, skin picking is not always same as OCD, there are some other types of obsessive//compulsive disorders but it's not always the same as OCD
I don't mean that it can't be OCD, I mean that it's not always the case and only a mental health professional can diagnose it
Yes I suffer from the same problem. Definitely related to anxiety and stress for me. I notice I have been doing it more being under stress about isolation, work, other health issues, the state of the country. Skin picking is also a compulsion, like over grooming in animals that don’t have enough stimulation. I’d talk to a doc about medications for anxiety and a therapist about ways you can modify the behavior (you might be able to find some ideas on line). You might try finding something to keep your hands busy that you find enjoyable (I have a friend who knits and I draw). It might help stimulate your brain and also offer you some stress relief so that the compulsion to pick isn’t so overwhelming. If you are around other people you might ask someone you trust to say something when they see you doing it. But there might be some better options out there. But I can sympathize with your concerns and frustrations.
Im doing the same thing 24/7 it used to be my lip because it was dry now it a spot i make it red and bleed it doesnt get chance to clear up because im alway having a pick at it recently more so after starting new meds feel like i need to be sectioned driving me insane my brain neva feels right my body doesnt feel apart of me my skin feels thin all time i have been told i have fnd and menopause but i feel like there a lot more going on my nervous system feels complete shot i hope someone has over come these issues to give there advice