Only you can change you !
Choose !: Only you can change you ! - Anxiety and Depre...
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love the picture of Jeff Bridges. U R correct in theory. This is not meant to offend or negate your intent BUT COVID SURE THREW US ONE HELL OF A CURVE BALL. I was already on stress related disability 12 hours a week and my intent was to find something new and get out of my job. When late March hit and I got out of the job before lockdown occurred in Los Angeles, things did change my plans. I did however go into my job hunting mode with the help of some occupational therapists. I'm on Medi Cal so I get help from my wellness center and another employment agency for people who R returning to the work force. Sent out almost 200 resumes and only 2 interviews and even became a COVID-19 contract tracer
now I'm going to need to take another approach as well. I've also applied for some holiday work to get me thru the end of the year. But when I feel very blue, I have no suicidal ideations just crappy, there is something that comes into my mind. I'm Jewish and my father
a child holocaust survivor his younger sister and my grandparents survived the war and finally in 1947 after traveling and living in a few countries finally arrived in NY where my grandfather's brother an American citizen resided. They definitely had deep psychological wounds but they still survived. If they could survive that living hell with the rest of their family being slaughtered, then I'll get thru COVID. However I need to dig very deep inside my soul to get to this painful place.
Keep going. you will get there ! took me 40 years but now having the best time of my life. I worked at it every day listening to self help tapes, then CDs then USBs still listening and learning. You get to a point were your subconscious takes over and its great !
Thank U 4 the inspiring info. Kudos to
all that U have done 4 your life. I have a little bit of a different approach but I try every day to push on. There is a word in
Spanish - Ganas -a fire 🔥 in the belly
and desire to improve. I try to use this as my mantra
Yes you need the fire in your belly. if you have that you can change your thinking, without it nothing changes.
U R right and I come from a family of survivors rather put, dysfunctional in many ways yet survivors. I used to say with sardonic wit, my father survived the holocaust and my mother survived the East Bronx. Yes the Bronx is in NY, but where my mom lived, the surrounding neighborhoods and elementary school where the little boys
handed up their knives to the teacher b4 class and received them back after class was not the greatest environment for a little girl who had family history with deep mental health issues and PS my granny on my father's side who survived the holocaust had severe survivor's guilt. So being born depressed and ADHD I navigated this minefield and am here at almost 62 still kicking and planning to get thru this hellacious pandemic and find a job. Thank U for your positive thinking
and philosophy.
Care to expand on this I have health anxiety an am my own worst enemy
Life is passing by with nothing but worry and anxiety
Good lesson