Good Morning all, has anyone experience of Sertraline, I was on Citalopram for years for anxiety/depression, was never really settled on them and had some really bad withdrawals when coming off. I realise I probably need something to help again, just to give me a foothold, something to build on and have heard that sertraline is not quite as bad side effects wise, any experience or advice is appreciated, thanks.
Experience of Sertraline please! - Anxiety and Depre...
Experience of Sertraline please!

Sorry, I never had any experience with Sertraline or Citalopram. Since you went into withdrawal, it's going to be like starting over, going to take some weeks before the meds start working.
Hi, Tried several different meds myself including Sertraline before finding my ideal script which is Venlafaxine. The problem is our bodies are made up chemically different so there is no one right drug that works. The main thing is to work with your doctor and together decide what to try based on your previous experience and history.
Hey, I have been on Sertraline since October now. I heard a lot of bad stories before going on them, which made me even more anxious for them.
First couple of weeks aren't ideal, I felt sick most the time and quite tired from the moment I got up. Once I pushed through that I felt a difference in myself, my husband felt it and so did my friends. Only thing I find with them, is I clench my jaw on them. Normally when I'm like zoning out or asleep I'll realise that I've been sat/laid with lock jaw for hours. But everyones different, few of my friends said they felt a difference just after a couple of days and have been feeling good ever since, some say they felt no different. Everyone reacts different to them!
One thing they told me is don't go cold turkey on them, 'cause you'll get the withdraws and you're more than likely to need them all over again! My best advice would be to speak to your GP
Good luck and I hope this helps!
Both Sertraline and Citalopram are SSRI antidepressants and therefore they have a tendency to act in the same way, so of you didn't get on with one the likelihood of you getting on with the other is low. Of course this is only my view but is based on personal experience (I cannot take any SSRI antidepressants ). Venlafaxine is an SNRI so it is different and you may not have the same reaction (although it has it's own potential side effects).
The stopping of any medication should only be done with you GP's advice and supervision, and never just stop always taper down.
For really good information on drugs and treatment for all types of mental health illnesses (and especially if you are in the UK) is to go to the MIND website -
Take care x
Thank you for your replies, I always get anxious before commencing any medication, however my anxiety is bad just now and not sleeping good, so it'sa bit of a double edged sword in terms of trying to feel better and the various risks and potential rewards. Blessings to you all.
I am having pins and needles in my head on esctalapram is that going to be the same on sertraline ?