Hi guys like so many of you I’m still very anxious about the current virus situation. I’ve not been outside apart from a five minute shop in last week. Since lockdown I spent most of my time since the outbreak going to hospital to visit my dad who had recently been hospitalised with MDS of which he eventually died of on the 14th of March . I’m worried that going to my local hospital may have infected me I’m also very very scared and am struggling a lot biggest thing is I won’t touch any shopping at all I’m terrified of it for at least a couple of days due to my fear of the virus being on that surface. What do I do?
Any Ideas?: Hi guys like so many of you... - Anxiety and Depre...
Any Ideas?

Hi Meyer, are you experiencing any symptoms since March 14th? The best thing
we can do is to call our doctor if we aren't feeling well. Other than that, it's a matter
of washing our hands multiple times a day and especially after going into a store no
matter for how long. Keep your hands away from your face and in some cases, wearing
a mask before entering the store is an additional protection.
Even with all those precautions, it's all about not panicking in order to keep your immune
system high during this time. Stay strong, stay safe and stay well my friend. xx
Thank you for the reply I hope you are keeping safe and well. I’m following the guidelines I’ve not been out whatsoever my fear is my brother and his girlfriend bringing the virus into our home as they our both key workers one in retail and the other caring for people who can’t get out of their homes. I was freaking out because my brothers girlfriend had been going home to shower as ours wasn’t working for the past week. But she had assured us her father lived on a remote farm and isn’t going out during the pandemic but that has completely terrified me.
Stay calm, stay home, follow guidelines.
Overall you, and everyone has a very low chance of getting it, and an even lower chance of getting very sick.
Stay away from the TV...
Hang in there
Thank you for the reply I hope you are keeping safe and well. I’m following the guidelines I’ve not been out whatsoever my fear is my brother and his girlfriend bringing the virus into our home as they our both key workers one in retail and the other caring for people who can’t get out of their homes. I was freaking out because my brothers girlfriend had been going home to shower as ours wasn’t working for the past week. But she had assured us her father lived on a remote farm and isn’t going out during the pandemic but that has completely terrified me.
I have been careful shopping too! Wore rubber gloves grocery shopping. Didn’t touch my face and used hand sanitizer in the car. Also wiped down steering wheel and shifter!
Hi, Meyer. I completely understand how you feel and strongly identify with your fears, as I know how much the fear of the virus can trigger OCD and health anxiety symptoms. My advice to you is to either opt for home delivery of your groceries....if you have a retailer that offers that in your area, or arrange to do curbside grocery pick ups from a grocery store near you. I have done both, but am mostly doing curbside pick ups right now, as it is cheaper to do it that way and you avoid retail mark up that you get with home delivery.
In addition, with regard to germs living on the surfaces of items....your fears are very founded with that, as the CDC, here in America, has said that germs from the virus can live on the surfaces of mail, packages and other items for several days. There has been conflicting info as to "exactly how long" the germs can live on surfaces, but what I have mostly heard is that the germs can live on surfaces for between 24 and 72 hours. But there was also a study done that came out of a major University in America that said it had been found that germs from the virus could live up to 9 days on certain types of surfaces. So my advice to you is don't take any chances. I would wipe down the outside of all packages with either Clorox Wipes or Lysol Spray and then wash your hands really good, or just wash your hands really good, after handling the items. And make sure you don't touch your face, until after you have washed your hands.
In addition, I would start taking multi vitamins and extra vitamin C, as well as anything that will strengthen your immune system, ie Airborne fizzy tablets or Emergen C packets are great and have Vitamin C, Zinc and other vitamins in them. You are also being smart by self isolating yourself, especially if you are in any type of high risk group re the virus.
I completely understand how the fear of the virus can be overwelming, but what i have found helps me is to limit the amount of time that i watch the news about it. And also distract myself with other activities and interests that hold my attention and help to keep my mind off of the virus.
I hope this helps and please know that you can PM me anytime, if you need to talk for extra support.
All the best to you, Meyer. You've got this! 🌹❤🌹❤🌹❤🌹
First my condolences about your dad 🙏. Secondly you said your dad died on the 14th well we’re almost in the middle of April quarantine Is 14 days. You’d know by Now as long as you’re taking the precautions recommended. We just have to pray that this ends sooner than later 🙏