Just joined first time posting. I’m looking for support for dealing with anxiety & depression....anybody else here struggling with both conditions?
Hi all: Just joined first time posting... - Anxiety and Depre...
Hi all
Yep, these two buggers usually go hand in hand - I've found obviously meds help alot but also exercise as it gets the endorphins flowing.
Thanks the problem with exercise is my depression hurts my motivation to exercise also while in a depressive episode self care is not as good as it could be.

Yes I fully understand and it is a vicious circle - we are all different, Maybe listening to a favourite band or watching a favourite movie could be a help? If you like comedies I always find 'The Big Lebowski' is a good go to.....Must have watched it a hundred times over - Jeff Bridges plays a wonderful character!!
hi and welcome to you hopefully you find some people offering positive words of encouragement for you.sure most people on here suffer both or have done at one point in life.hoping things pick up for you soon.
I am. Depression for years because of past traumas and anxiety and ptsd from hospitalizations, car wrecks and tornadoes. It does suck but I am managing med free atm.
That’s awesome you’re managing without meds wish I could too.
Yes, having both is terrible and I can relate with you on this matter. You get the worst from both as my friend would say. It's like the depression aspect makes you not care and want to give up, but the anxiety aspect makes you nervous and high strung about things you realize are very unrealistic. It can be debilitating at times and one can be worse than the other some days.
You most certainly aren't alone and I am always here to talk if you need it.
Thank you. I sent you a DM.
me too!
Sorry that you deal with this too, I know how you feel. You’re not alone, thankfully there is a lot of support here.
Welcome to the group. It’s a wonderful place to be. I identify with your struggle with depression and anxiety. I had a very serious debilitating breakdown during the past two years. It followed a few traumatic life events, but the reaction was not like anything I had to deal with before. There’s a book called The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma [Bessel van der Kolk M.D.] and in my late sixties I just had enough. Through counseling and meds, I’m finally feeling better. It feels almost too good to be true but I’m enjoying every moment of it. Keep posting and sharing with us. Lynne
Thanks for telling me about the book I’ll check it out. I’m glad you’re in a better place now.
Hi. I struggle with both conditions. I'm a 46 year old Mom and wife. It's hard beyond belief. One day at a time. Sometimes it's a minute at a time. I hope you find someone to share with. I'm available to email anytime.
Hi yes that’s what I do just take it one day at a time it’s the best way to look at it. If you try to live in the present one day at a time you don’t get overwhelmed worrying about the future. I find living in the present helps control the anxiety. Therapy provides coping strategies for the anxiety. Both meds and therapy can help with the depression too.
Hi there, yes usually mine starts with bad anxiety early morning waking then deep depression...they usually go together..like one person said sometimes one is worse then the other. It’s a seriously tough illness I wouldn’t wish on my enemy ... Me being treatment resistant is even worse...so I try take supplements etc, no meds I ever tried have helped me. Please message me if you would like to chat more or are having a bad day. I’m here for you🤗
Thank you for your support. There are supplements which can help; fish oil can help with depression and also St. John’s Wort but check with a doctor before trying something new.
I am struggling with those and more, hope you're doing better and finding support here.
Thank you it’s very helpful here and I hope it helps you too.
I have been struggling with these for nearly 50 years. You've got an advantage because you're a person of faith. I hope you find support and hope here.
Thank you
Not in a good place now posted 3 x in the last 8 hours take a look just feeling overwhelmed
Sorry you are overwhelmed. What is upsetting you today?