Anybody here that don’t take any meds for depression & anxiety?
Depression & anxiety : Anybody here... - Anxiety and Depre...
Depression & anxiety

Hey I don’t so far x

How do you cope?
There’s up weeks and down weeks. I find when I don’t exercise and have a bad diet then I’m so much worse . If I don’t go outside I’m a lot worse too. I know what makes me worse basically so I avoid them things . Sometimes when I’m really really low then there’s nothing that helps apart from taking ‘me time’ and allowing it to pass.

Mine is only seasonal (fall/winter) I try so hard to do all those things you said but i get defeated every time, at this point I really just feel like giving up...smh
Hey have you heard about them lights that help winter depression?
Don’t give up... I’m honestly going through a low moment too right now so just taking my mind of it by helping others here... it’s literally nearly 6am and I haven’t slept 😢

Yes I’m gonna look into one I keep having emotional breakdowns, I’m just tired 😔 you’re so sweet, I really hope you feel better! I know the feeling all to well it sucks 🙁 where do you live? It’s 12:53 where I’m at
I’m in England ... I hate this! When I’m actually so tired but because of overthinking I don’t sleep 😭
what are lights that help winter depression?
I’ve heard about some warm lights that helps people who get depressed in the colder and darker seasons . I’m not sure about the name of them
NP. Thanks for your sharing and I so far have not heard of them but I will definitely google them and will share you if I get something useful.

Look them up, they called light therapy/S.A.D lights, if i had a way to send you a pic i would, I’m hearing good things about them, I’ve had a couple therapist tell me to invest in one, but me trying to battle all this on my own 😔
Congrats and wish you same all in future.
I wish I didn’t need to but I’m on meds. Wish I had more in common with you. But I can listen.
What meds do you take? I’m terrified of meds I had a very allergic reaction to Paxil
Oh honey, my list would probably scare you. But I will say that I take Wellbutrin XL & Clonazepam & they help me quite a bit.
I tried my level best to give up medicine but that don't help. I tried doing intense exercise and getting the sweat out instead so tired, I tried spending the whole day outside and being as social as I could but nothing help. My mind always have a sort of burden if I don't take medicine. For me antidepressants at night help and I feel better the other day. Over the counter medicine with caffeine and paracetamol also helped but I feel worse the other day.

What antidepressant you take? I had a terrible allergic reaction to Paxil I’m to terrified to try anything else, caffeine makes my anxiety go crazy I definitely can’t have anything caffeine
So for that best worked for me was Escitalopram but last night only having Fluoxetine (Hcl) at home, I tried it and worked too as unsual. I also tried sleeping tabs with Alprazolam and Tizanidine but they never helped so far. I also tried Duloxetine but that does not worked as supposed. Pregablin (for fibromylgia) worked but dose was too high and my stomach was not working with it. I am planning to try Citalopram in future as I have realized that cause of my all body illness is first anxiety and then depression and only antidepressants could help me and upon getting some normal or better: I have to help myself by getting some interest, making a routine and doing exercise daily.
One thing I forget to reply that. All antidepressants have side effects. Few we come to know as they have worse effects others are hidden. You only try when you really want to do it but when next time you try a antidepressant for a period of time and get better: just enjoy that better time rather think for this time time and try to do something that help in future without medicine. I am trying to do it too.

I seriously feel with you. I know that meds aren’t “magic pills” but they do help me not to get too far down into a super serious depression pit.
I am heartily sorry about that and will definitely pray for you. On other hand, what I can recommend is to go to a good Psychiatrist and get checked up properly and may be find the proper depression and anxiety type. My Psychiatrist had a lot of tests before prescribing me the medicine.

Thank you prayer is needed & appreciated..I’ve already done that I’m just anti-medication I terrified of meds even before the bad reaction I was scared of medication
LucyKe, I have never taken a drug in my life. I also have anxierty, depression and ptsd. If you have SAD then I have specific recommendations. #1 You are most likely deficients in Vit D. There are 2 ways to cure this: Over the counter supplements & getting in the sunshine. This deosn't have to be done outside. Find any window that lets in bright sunshine, Sit in the sunshine for 20 to 30 minutes. Make sure to expose as much skin as possible to the sun. This works better in the morning as it also can restore your sleeping pattern if you do it early enough. If you wanna do a morning and late afternoon session for a few days to cathc up, go ahead. Walking around outside in the sun is best, especially in the morning. I also take 7,500IU of vit d. Even I don't get enough sun, almost year around. I also recommend magnesium for both sleep and anxiety. I take 125mgs of mag. citrate 3 times daily. Gel or liquid forms of vitamins are best where possible. Final recommendations: If you have a doctor, have your potassium, vit d, b vit, thyroid, adrenal glands & liver checked. An all encompassing blood test should provide you with the numbers. If anything is low supplement it naturally. If you have additional questions, I have dealt with supplements for almost 23 years and can answer most of them. Have a blessed day, my friend!
I took them a couple of years ago but this past month it has been extremely hard so I got put back on them and today I was prescribed something to help me sleep. But before that I had to do a lot of breathing and self soothing it worked until this past month
God help you but when you get better and feel somewhat normal: try realizing some passion, interest or hobby that can help you latter. Best of luck!