Are there any studies showing exercise can be as or more effective than medication in treating a generalized anxiety disorder?
Are there any studies showing exercis... - Anxiety and Depre...
Are there any studies showing exercise can be as or more effective than medication in treating a generalized anxiety disorder?

I don’t know of any studies but We all know exercising has been proved to help with mental and physical body ! I think it all depends how bad your anxiety is ! I do think exercise alone can help !
For me , I have panic attacks when I work out so I have no idea where to go from there ! 😩
Have you tried a different exercise routine?
Not yet , but I want to ! I am thinking about joining the water aerobics with the seniors 😉
This way I am not sweating and my heart rate is not going too high ( those things make me panic ).
I used to Zumba everyday but I just can’t anymore ! I also love hiking ! Dancing was so good for my soul ! Maybe one day I will be back !
Likely a stupid question but have you tried exposing yourself to an accelerated heart rate via exercise with the intention of eventually desensitizing yourself to The Panic it currently causes?
I have not ! Are you talking about with a Fitbit kind of device ? I have thought about joining Orangetheory since they track your heart rate but I haven’t had the courage yet !
I have found a few blogs of people who have had the same problem ! I would have to do some exposure therapy ( start with 5 min of exercise and then add time slowly ).
I used to be scared of driving over bridges and I had to do some exposure therapy ! I did without a therapist . I am not 💯 % comfortable with bridges but My panic won’t stop me anymore.
I have had hearts tests and everything is fine !
As someone who used to have a hate of exercise I got to say I find it interesting when I can get my heart really beating hard on a stationary bike. When it's truly thundering I just look around the room and Marvel that no one else can hear that sound.
foxglove, I did water aerobics for 30 years 5 times a week. I was so into it, felt
great. Hope you decide to give it a go. The seniors were so nice with their little
shower caps Loved them all. Good Luck in finding what works for you best. xx
Yes , they are adorable ! I have taken a few classes in the past !
I am so happy to hear you enjoyed it !
It is silly of me but thinking about taking water aerobics will require me to wear a bathing suit and of course my body imagine is horrible !
As soon as my antidepressants kick in again ( I just restarted them this week ) I am gonna give it a go ! I have a friend who goes so I already know someone
Thanks for the sweet message ❤️
Take exercise much slower. Let your body slowly get used to the adrenaline that exercise produces. It will get better!
Great advice !
I’m the exact same as you foxglove, I’m terrified of the feeling exercise gives me. Anything that reminds me of panic with my heart racing just freaks me out. I’ve tried to just face my fear but when I get afraid halfway through my walk I think I’m getting chest pain and start to feel weak and dizzy and just start to panic. On one occasion I had to ring my husband to come get me because I was too afraid to walk back!!
I am so sorry you also feel this way but I glad to someone who can fully understand me ! That is exactly how I feel ! I had a stress test done and I almost die 😳 Having my heart elevated was so scary ! Keep me posted on your progress , good luck !
Hi Resurge, I've also looked into the studies that have been done regarding
Anxiety and Exercise vs Anxiety and Medication. Most doctors will tell you that exercise
is important for anyone of any age because of the benefits you can receive both physically
and mentally. It can help with anxiety issues as well as mortality and avoiding serious
health issues. However....
On the other side of the coin are the studies that agree with exercise being important but
don't want to necessarily rule out medication being needed as well. The end of the research stated "More studies need to be done". Not surprising....
A healthcare provider of mine told me about a website called PubMed. It's with the National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health so I think it's legit. Anyway, you can search for articles on whatever topic you want. Here's the link:
I can only speak for myself but, when I was diagnosed, I started working out and it helped speed up the effect of the medication. I was told the meds should kick in around 4 to 6 weeks. It worked for me at 2 weeks. I had read a great book that said exercise produces certain chemicals in your brain. I can not replace my anxiety meds for just exercise. I am on depression and anxiety meds for life. Took a long time to except that. But, there are worse things. Good luck