Does anyone have any tips for being kind to themselves/having self compassion?
Ways to be kind to self?: Does anyone... - Anxiety and Depre...
Ways to be kind to self?

Hey Penguin..
Lack of self compassion is probably owed to having very high standards.
Why not take baby steps and start focusing on your good traits. Explore those traits further and aim to advance in them. Us focusing on things we can not acheieve makes us forget anything good about ourselves. Your mind will sooner or later keep looping around the negatives if you do not box your thoughts.
Would you be able to share more about the situation?
I struggle with forgiving myself. Forgiving oneself for mistakes is showing kindness to self.
Lt-Cookie has some good ideas, agreed? I was thinking...if you attribute to a friend or family member the thing you did that was a mistake...and you determine you would forgive that person if they asked, then turn to yourself and forgive yourself. It's only fair play. Especially if you go to the one you offended and ask for forgiveness. This DOESN'T depend on that person to forgive you, but only on yourself forgiving you. Occasionally we know someone who has some problems and can't forgive others who even apologize to them.
You are the only person you'll ever have to live with inside of yourself. Why not be loving and kind to yourself? Change what you don't like. Become what you DO like. Baby steps.
And to begin with, at least treat yourself like you would other people. You're definitely worth it! You are wondrously and fearfully made!
Sorry for delay in reply but i have not received a notification.
If i may just add 1 more think which you need to make yourself realise.
Mistakes are absolutely fine. We are prone to mistakes on daily basis. But forgiving ourselves for those mistakes if we have truly learned and not turn those mistakes into failures.
But i do encourage you to seek some support not because i think you have problem but because you would be able to manage this issue better and not let it grow any further.
Have a wonderful day, evening or night.
And please do not hesitate to reach out.
True, they do feel like failures. I do expect myself to remember everything. That is a challenge with brain fog.
Oh brain fog how i loathe thee!!!
I'm not sure what kinds of mistakes you are talking about, but if it involves people you can talk to them and seek forgiveness. Holding on to unforgiveness is wasted energy and self destructive. It accomplishes nothing positive for you or anyone you injured. Find some positive action to do as a penance and then let it go. After all, even God forgives us when we are truly sorry.