Severe Anxiety really getting me down. - Anxiety and Depre...

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Severe Anxiety really getting me down.

KellyG1970 profile image
17 Replies

Hi everyone. My name is Kelly. I am a 47year old female that has suffered with severe anxiety since I was a kid. I recently found out I am SSRI resistant. I am a social worker and recently started a new job a month ago. I have had panic attacks every night. Even if I didn't have the worry of the job, most of my life consists of constant worry. I am really having a hard time and am at my wits end. My best friend told me it makes her so sad that even when we were on vacation she said I can't relax and my body is tense, wringing my hands. I'm sorry to ramble just really in a bad way. My husband feels terrible that he doesn't know how to help me. As a kid and even a few years ago I had trichotillomania. It just never ends. I have no fingerprints on 4 of my fingers from chewing.

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17 Replies

Have you tried anti-anxiety medicines or yoga, meditation

KellyG1970 profile image
KellyG1970 in reply to

Hi there! I am SSRI resistant but my doctor recently started me on Neurontin. I can't take it during the day because it knocks me out. I have tried meditation but so far no luck.

in reply to KellyG1970

There are several anxiety meds that are fast acting. Called benzodiazapams. clonazepam, diazepam, Valium etc. I am currently on a betablockers that is also a blood pressure meds. These are just a few medicines of many. Also rigorous exercise can help with anxiety

KellyG1970 profile image
KellyG1970 in reply to

Unfortunately I have been on most of the meds but because I am SSRI resistant they don't work. It has me so down

MariaLove123 profile image
MariaLove123 in reply to KellyG1970

Hi Kelly I’m about to do TMS Treatment. It’s very interesting and a great way to treat depression instead of medication. Most insurances cover it and the process is pretty easy. I’m sorry you’re having a hard time. I use a stress ball because I pick my scalp so much. It helps to a certain extent. There’s also essential oils and this new thing called Levium. It’s has special ingredients for moods. I just started yesterday. I heard really good things about it. I hope you feel better!

KellyG1970 profile image
KellyG1970 in reply to MariaLove123

Maria thank you so much! I want to look into this Levium. I hope the TMS is successful for you. I am just so tired of fighting to get through the anxiety each day.

MariaLove123 profile image
MariaLove123 in reply to KellyG1970

I completely understand. I actually can’t leave my house. I hate anxiety so much. Levium is a drink the size of those 5 hour energy shots. I’m hoping it works. You should look into it. Have you done anything yet like you said go for a walk or watch tv? And seriously message me if you want to talk :)

KellyG1970 profile image
KellyG1970 in reply to MariaLove123

Maria that means so much to me to be able to reach out to you. I am so sorry you are going through this as well. I'm here for you too! I'm actually on a walk right now. Wish me luck!! I hope we can talk again soon

MariaLove123 profile image
MariaLove123 in reply to KellyG1970

Awww good! Enjoy your walk. Let’s talk soon ☺️❤️

Scott1951 profile image

Hi Kelly,

Welcome to the forum. While we probably don't have a solution to your situation that has not already occurred to you, we are or have been where you are and understand how painful it can be. I, too, am SSRI resistant. Right now I am trying a tricyclic, Trazodone. It is a very old drug but it has been receiving some renewed interest. I also underwent 37 Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) treatments last fall. The treatments were very helpful, were paid for by my insurance and the positive effect has lasted for almost a year now. Other options for treatment resistant depression, I am told, are ketamine and ECT.

You have lived with depression for many years. Over that time I am sure you have developed coping mechanisms. While I hear that you are feeling overwhelmed now, you have successfully dealt with anxiety in the past. And, there may be some new treatments that you can explore.

I think that it is wonderful that you are a social worker. I would imagine that your own suffering helps you to be more understanding of your clients. Having a purpose in life means a lot. I hope things go well for you in the new job.

KellyG1970 profile image
KellyG1970 in reply to Scott1951

Scott thank you so much. I am so happy to hear you have had some relief in your symptoms! I fight so hard every day just to get through. If I could have one day without the anxiety and panic attacks I would be so grateful. I may look into this TMS. I used to work on a geriatric psych unit but we didn't offer this but I remember reading about it. I tried Trazadone many years ago. Now my doctor stopped my Klonopin because he said research shows a link between benzos and Early Alzheimer's. Something else to worry about.

Hi Kelly, I also suffer a lot from anxiety and realized that I do not exercise at all. I went on a walk yesterday and immediately felt the benefits. I take medication too but it’s not enough to keep my anxiety at bay. I know it sounds cliche but there is a lot of evidence that waking for 30 minutes a day a few times a week has as much effect as an SSRI.

KellyG1970 profile image
KellyG1970 in reply to

Hi Lynnalice! After I read your reply I decided right after I write to you I am going to take a walk. I am so glad to hear you were able to have some relief. I told my doctor that I realize there is no magic pill and that anxiety is a part of me. I just want to not have it overtake me every day. It has such a grip on me. I go to work shaking and terrified the whole day. Hopefully this walk may clear my head a little. Thank you so much. Although I hate that other people are suffering it's nice to know I'm not alone.

in reply to KellyG1970

Awesome! I’m really impressed with you, keep it up. Each day you walk it gets better

Sandyxoxx profile image

Hi I found out exercise helps ! I work out in my room mostly everday, skip a day to relax muscles. If i don't work out for a few days I feel tired n usless ..just sit around is not me also helps with self esteem ! Body in motion stays in motion n helps with depression too!

LaPetiteGen profile image

Oh love, my hearts goes out to you. Anxiety and worry can be crippling and manifest in very unhealthy ways. I can relate- there are times that I am so stressed that I pick my nails until the bleed, insomnia takes over and I develop such stress headaches that I can’t function. I also tried medications and found that they didn’t bring the relief that I needed. What helps me most is taking time to focus on what I can control- my thoughts. Yoga and prayer are my go-to’s when life becomes overwhelming, they help me to focus on what I can control and give over what I can’t control. This resource might be helpful as it gives practical lifestyle changes to deal with anxiety that is not dependent on drugs.

KellyG1970 profile image

Thank you so much LapetiteGen. I feel so bad we all have this disorder but to be able to share with those who understand means the world. I'm just so tired. Then I feel so guilty because there are people with cancer for example and really awful diseases and here I am complaining. But sometimes it is just debilitating.

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