Brian's Guide to Navigating the Peril... - Anxiety and Depre...

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Brian's Guide to Navigating the Perils and Pitfalls of Everyday Life....Part 3 (The Final Countdown!)

bridder01 profile image
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Hiya once again! Brian here, and I'm back one last time to share some tips that have helped me start to climb out of that black hole that is anxiety and depression.

Sometimes, anxiety and depression can be just like a black hole. It seems that nothing can escape it's pull...It can threaten to suck you into oblivion......

Fortunately, you're not alone........and you've got people who can help pull you back from the brink.... :)

Again, I'm using song titles from the great British rock band Queen. These songs have helped me express myself more times than I can count.

For you youngsters out there.....give these songs a never know....they may speak to you too... :)

So, let's get this ball rollin'.......

1. --Another One Bites The Dust!-- There are so many negative people in life. Sometimes it feels that we're surrounded and there's no way to get away from them. Sometimes there are people who happen to be close to us that have a negative influence on our lives. They constantly criticize.....they say hurtful things to you in front of others....they put down things you like.....they spew venom about other people you like.....

It's time to stop that madness!

Our mental and emotional health not only depends on how we view ourselves and how we feel about ourselves, but also how others treat us. We never want others to dictate our actions or to influence our way of thinking. But we are social creatures. We belong to the global community. We instinctively feel the need to belong to that community. But that doesn't mean we have to have negative people in our lives. So....find those positive people out there. The people who like you and will cherish you for you! And tell those negative people in your life to go take a long walk off a short pier! You don't have to tolerate those negative people. You choose who you associate with, so choose wisely ;)

2. --Hammer To Fall!-- More often than not, people have this bad habit of putting other people down. All of us here have probably been the victim of those hurtful words and actions. Those people more often than not never think before they speak. We feel so helpless to do anything to stand up for ourselves. Worse still, we take all those things to heart.

Well, time to put an end to that!

No matter how scared you matter how bad it gets....Stand up for yourself!

No one has the right to put you down. Plain and simple. And you don't have to tolerate it. You may be surprised what you're capable of when you put your foot down. So unleash that lion in you on those who try to hurt you! :)

3. --Keep Yourself Alive!-- It's so hard sometimes to endure all the abuse and spiteful words others say to us. It's also hard to handle the depression and anxiety that we feel engulfs us and that there's no way out.

So, we think of harming ourselves......maybe even try to harm ourselves....

Why? Why are we letting those small minded, ignorant people controlling our thoughts and actions?

Believe it or not, you have a lot to live for! It's not always easy to see, especially when the depression and anxiety are strong....

But by coming to this site, you've taken a very important first step! You're in the presence of so many people who've gone through similar things.....who've been in the same situation as you.....and they will like you for you! You will soon begin to see...

Maybe life isn't so bad after all...... :)

4. --I Want It All!-- You deserve happiness and everything that comes with it! Never let anyone stand in your way of being happy! You're worth it, DAMN IT! :)

5. --Friends Will Be Friends!-- That's all there is to that. Nuf ced!

6. --Don't Stop Me Now!-- Again, that says it all. Nuf ced!

Well.....that's long and short of it. :) We make up the biggest collection of stars in the galaxy, so shine so bright that others notice!

You've go so much to give! So.....what's stoppin' ya? ;)

You're friend,

Brian :)

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