Hi there, I got a big dvt when aged 50. Had apixaban for three months and it cleared and left a residual. I have been free from problems for two years hence but been having some low lying aches. I had a scan and they found the same residual behind my knee and an incontinent valve there. Any thoughts on whether I should do anything more than keeping active, hydrated and not stress about it? I’ve read that it gets worse with age but you can have surgery to tighten up the valve
Damage from a dvt two years ago - Anticoagulation S...
Damage from a dvt two years ago
I've got residual from June 18 and they won't sign me off sintrom (like warfarin) as a blood test showed I have a half mutated gene ie from 1 parent) which results in production of more than normal of the clotting agent prothrombin. Apparently it's quite common and most people never even know they have it .... it would seem it's just more likely to push you over the edge to a DVT if have other more obvious causes like overweight and sedentary lifestyle.
I know this isn't directly relevant to your query .... but it may be a factor in why you still have residual? In general if they didn't feel you needed to restart anticoagulant presumably they don't think there's a problem? Keeping active and not overweight are important regardless!
Thanks, that’s helpful. Good point about keeping active