Hi. I just had a mechanical valve replacement on the 16th of August 2023. I would like to get waxed. Is it possible to? I have never bled before warfarin. Are there other hair removal methods that are safer or can I stick to waxing?
Waxing or hair removal when on Warfarin - Anticoagulation S...
Waxing or hair removal when on Warfarin

I’m also in the same boat where I had my valve fitted a month later than you and thinking about waxing soon. I’ve never bled before from waxing so I was going to resume waxing about 3 months post surgery once my Warfarin levels are more stable. Hope this helps with your thinking.
I used hair removal cream rather than risk it.But then embraced the more "au natural" look.
Hi, some of the advice I’ve read says no, others don’t mention it. For what it’s worth, I’ve had facial hair removed regularly with no issues (not even a tiny spot). Generally tiny bleeds are no problem , it’s something more significant that is a real issue. I must admit though I’ve not had my legs done since starting but gone for other methods. I do have to self inject twice daily and may get a small spot bleed for 5-10 seconds, but have had nothing more.
Completely depends on how high your INR is run. My INR is run high as I have a blood clotting disorder so I do bleed a lot. In regards to waxing, you will be more prone to bruising (although this all depends on how good the person waxing you is). I personally prefer waxing (if I attempt to shave, my bathroom resembles an abattoir as the grip in my hands is also completely pants). My daughter is a Beauty Therapist and does mine for me (I generally resemble Chewbacca usually but like to be 'Dolphin Smooth' if I have a special event coming up) and to be honest I hardly bruise, if at all when she waxes my legs. Just let whoever is waxing you know that your are on warfarin and will bruise easily so they can adjust their technique.
The safest way is using tweezers. Very time consuming, but a lot safer and pretty much pain free. You will still bleed a little now and then, but we are talking about a very small amount.

I feel that this is a personal decision - however, likely to have some small bleeding. Definately do NOT do waxing if you also have varicose veins.
There are safer methods - creams etc.
All the best.
I have waxing done always been ok.