Lamotrigine and Warfarin: I recently... - Anticoagulation S...

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Lamotrigine and Warfarin

24 Replies

I recently started to take Lamotrigine to control epileptic seizures along with my Warfarin for a prosthetic heart valve. Does anyone have experience of this or know of contraindications between the two?

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24 Replies
daisyd profile image

I take Warfarin and Lamotrigine, no problems.

in reply to daisyd

Thanks daisyd

nissanjean profile image
nissanjean in reply to

I had Lamotrogine and had to have clotting screens done every three weeks.

I was also on HRT then after three weeks I started with signs and symptoms of pulmonary embolism. I was kept on Lamotrogine and HRT by doctors then eleven months later had a big DVT followed by pe.

Now on life long warfarin.

nissanjean profile image
nissanjean in reply to

Hi Peter

I had lamotrogine for epilepsy and HRT both started on the same day. 3 weeks later started with chest pain.

Eleven months later had a dvt followed by PE.On warfarin for 6 months then discontinued. Had another pe .

In other words Lamotrogine and HRT can both cause blood clots.

Hope that you do not

nissanjean profile image
nissanjean in reply to

Does prednisolone cause the INR to fall/? Mine has dropped from 3.9 to 2.6 over 12 hour period.

nissanjean profile image
nissanjean in reply to daisyd


Someone has just rung me because he thinks he may have taken a double dose of warfarin today.

I said I would ask you as I have not come across this before.

Thankfully I always record my meds in my diary and stick to a very rigid routine with recording what I have taken.

What shall I say to him

nissanjean profile image

Hi Peter

Was trying to say that I hope you do not mind my writing to you re the lamotrogine.

I think that Lamotrogine is also a mood stabiliser so perhaps since discontinuing it I have felt quite anxi9ous etc.

another drug that has caused serious side effects is perampanel,a new anti epileptic drug.

I had only four tablets each 2mgms on four successive nights and it made me very ill.

Take care.

nissanjean profile image

I tell everyone on HRT to take heed of the PIL because it states that if the woman starts having chest pains,calf pains and/or headaches that HRT should be IMMEDIATELY discontinued.

Obviously one would need to discuss with GP or specialist etc .

nissanjean profile image

Hi Peter

Thanks for your reply.

I have to draw the line between alarming people and telling them of my own experiences.

However I wish that the side effects of these AEDs had been more carefully explained to me.

Each and every AED has caused side effects.

Statins caused muscle wastage.

Phenytoin caused numbness and severe vitamin D deficiency disorder.

.Both can cause muscle pain.

December 2013 Perampanel/Fycompa even at a very low dose caused severe depression, anxiety, headaches anorexia stabbing pains in right side of chest and gastric region. Severe restlessness, hyperkinasia (restless legs syndrome).

According to the Internet this drug has been banned in another country.

Antibiotics caused peripheral neuropathy in a very big way.

Sorry to sound so negative but I am just concerned about other people's lives being wrecked by side effects of some medication.

May I ask if you are in the USA or Britain.

Are you able to get a bone profile done and dexa scans?

Kind regards


nissanjean profile image
nissanjean in reply to nissanjean

Re sending .

nissanjean profile image

Hi Peter

Thanks for replying.

I asked if you were in the UK as I was just wondering if you had any problems with medics monitoring your bone profile.

Mine is now being monitored.

It is just as well to keep an eye on Vit D levels and bone density when on anti convulsants.

Hope that makes sense.

I know that I may come over as over anxious etc but if you had been through what I have been through asa result of the side effects of medication then you would see exactly where I am coming from.


Some people need these but if you google Dr Kalish Chand a GP in Manchester you will see what happened to him when he took statins for raised blood cholesterol levels.

Similar happened to me. Now I have to have[physio to strengthen the core muscles.

It is just as well to keep abreast of these things and preferable to suffering like I am through medication.

Take care.

nissanjean profile image

Should be Dr Khalish Chand GP in Tameside, England.

He points out about the link between statins,diabetes and Parkinson'sdisease.

Research findings showing the dangers of statins and their serious side effects was kept hidden by the FDA as long ago as 22 years ago according to info in the Public Domain.

This kind of thing is inhuman.

nissanjean profile image

Hi Peter

Thank you for your kind words.

I am needing a lot of support at the moment due to the very unkind words from an A and E Registrar about ten days ago..

I have since seen a consultant in A and E who treated me with respect.

With regards to medication it pays to have an enquiring mind.

There is the risks and benefits argument but only when a differential diagnosis has been made and not a hasty catch all second guessing 'opinion'.

I am thinking in particular about the irresponsible Registrar in A and E who prescribed the three antibiotics at the same time without benefit of blood tests or even a chest x ray. I cannot excuse him and which caused the neuropathy.

Sorry if I sound bitter but I am.

Kind regards


nissanjean profile image

Hi Peter

I am in a state of panic.

I drank a full bottle of Shloer this afternoon and then noticed it has raspberry and cranberry juice in it.

I took 10 mgms ofwarfarin this morning my INR being 3.6.

Now I am worried sick in case I have damaged myself or altered the INR in some way.

I also had a korma curry with stir fry for a change.

I have always been so careful with diet etc now it seems like I am throwing caution to the wind and tempting fate.I look upon food as an enemy.

All this since starting warfarin.

nissanjean profile image

Thanks Peter

Last week a haemotologist told me not to eat any cranberries or to drink any cranberry juice/herbal teas containing cranberry.

Until I read ACE today I did not know that cranberry can either increase or decrease the INR. When I read the ingredients in Schloer which I have never drunk before I just panicked.

I am so sensitive to meds that I am unable to have the 1 mgm warfarin tablets as they contain a colorant called amaranth which caused an allergic reaction.

This colorant is used widely in gravies,sweets etc.

The colorant in some capsules especially the brightly coloured capsules also cause allergic responses.

I can only have certain brands of medication as well.

All this is now getting too much for me.

nissanjean profile image

Hi peter

Just to add that I will test within the next 24 hours.

My INR just fluctuates so easily.

Up and down like a yo you.This unsettles me.

Two weeks ago an A ande dr checked my INR as I had gone to A and Ewith breathlessness.He said that my INR was 5.4.

I told him that I disbelieved the result because only 12 hours previously my INR had been 4.5.

I had my machine with me and re checked it.The INR was 4.3.

The dr told me to omit my usual dose of warfarin.

I felt very frightened.

I got myself out of that hospital and went to another A and E where they checked the INR and found it to be 4.4.The dr there told me to take my usual dose.

Despite not even being under their care I contacted the ACC at the first hospital and the Head of Haematology told me that the sample must have been taken using a faulty technique.

He told me to take the usual dose of warfarin that is 10 mgms.

Fortunately I had already done that but supposing I had taken notice of the first dr who was an SHO in A and E and who did not even check the INR again or seek advice from a haemotologist.

I am truly petrified of going near any doctor now.

This has exacerbated my anxiety.

nissanjean profile image

Hi Peter

I think i will re-address that issue re NOAC.

I am unsure what their mode of action is.

This warfarin business plus drs with differing views is just too much now.

I really do not know what to do.

I have to have an USS on my left leg tomorrow because it swelled and my D dimer was 1400 on March 14,

Drs just did a CTPA and omitted the USS/Doppler of my leg.Then discharged me the same day as the CTPA scan was done as it did not show a pe.

I feel written off.

nissanjean profile image

Hi Peter

I have just looked up NOAC and found that they are mainly prescribed for A/F.

Is this your understanding as well?


nissanjean profile image

Dear Peter

I am a believer and put my faith in God.All this has proved too much for me since taking perampanel then antibiotics and getting peripheral neuropathy.

I also feel lost and upset since my Parish Priest retired and someone replaced him.

In other words a lot has happened ina relatively short space of time including my son going to Australia.

All this is hitting me very hard now and I regret not doing more with mylife.

I never used to feel like this until the perampanel then ABs.

I appreciate your kind words and your prayers. They are important to me.

Perhaps I will feel better when I get tomorrow and the USS of my left leg over with.

Thank you for everything.

nissanjean profile image

Thanks Peter.I will look further into this.

I may become more anxious because the INR will not be monitored.

I cannot win can I?

nissanjean profile image

Hi Peter

Thank you for your reply it was much appreciated.

I saw a posting inquiring about healthcare in France. I cannot locate this posting at the moment so have written to you with a contact detail.

This is an ex pat called Alexis Goldberg who now lives in Langueduc Roussin and who writes various articles about France.She maintains that France provides the best healthcare.

Hope this info is useful.

nissanjean profile image

Hi Peter

INR this morning is 3.9 .Was 3.6 prior cranberry juice in Schloer.


nissanjean profile image

Hi Peter

I had the Doppler scan today which was negative.

The dr who I saw albeit very briefly told me that he thought some medication I take may be making my leg swell and also causing breathlessness.

He was inquiring about when I last had a CTPA .

I replied BEFORE my leg swelled and I became breathless.

The nurse in charge of the unit then made her presence known to me by saying 'You have had your Doppler so now you can go home'.

This kind of bullying ,uninformed,unsympathetic attitude is exactly what caused the delay in the diagnosis of a pe several years ago.

Why are these kind of nurses allowed to humiliate,degrade patients and put them at risk.

I remain breathless with no answers.

nissanjean profile image

Thanks Peter

I have just left a message on his answering machine plus sent an e mail.

He lives I London so should be able to get sorted out tonight.

I was unsure what to advise as this is a new situation to me.

I always record the dose of warfarin as soon as I take it.

I record it at the top of the daily newspaper plus in my diary.

However I always know exactly what I have taken and the time.

I do not know anyone else who takes warfarin locally so it can be very isolating at times.

Thanks for coming to the rescue.

I( hope you don't mind my asking but would you consider giving me your e mail address?

I will understand if you do not wish to.


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