I have been on anticoagulants since 2013 for AF. On Nov 30th after a very stressful week ( my husband is awaiting triple bypass and aortic valve replacement. and was admitted twice and sent home twice, still waiting) I had a stroke. I take my apixaban religiously. I was sent home with no change of meds after less than 2 days on stroke unit, I was admitted to A&E semiconscious and remember nothing of the Sat or Sun scans etc.Just wondered if anyone has experienced similar?
"Breakthrough" stroke on apixaban - Anticoagulation S...
"Breakthrough" stroke on apixaban

I'm sorry you've had such an awful time and hope your husband's surgery takes place soon so that's less stressful overall. Hope also that the stroke hasn't left you with major (or even minor) ongoing problems. I'm also interested in rogue/breakthrough events when on anticoagulation (warfarin for me) as the cause of my eye grey outs (eye TIA) remains unclear but no evidence of overt clots on MRI. ECG says Aflutter with partial block. These grey outs mostly happened when i had sub-optimal INR levels and now i'm stable, the grey outs are back to being partial (only ever in one eye) and much less frequent. Let me know what you find out as i'm sure you want a resolution so it doesn't happen again.

was it a thrombotic stroke, or due to plaque? I ask as not all stroke are due to Thrombosis.
No one has said. Have agreed to starting statins, always said no in the past.CT showed ?? Issue R side f brain,though MRI as an outpatient showed changes on the L, to be repeated in 2 months. Still having some really horrid days every so often with mild headache, nausea and bad fatigue. Quite scary, but have always over the years had similar from time to time ? anxiety.
The report on my MRI 2 weeks after stroke said. "What appears to be Left MCA sub acute infarct". "For completeness" I'm having another MRI in March because my presentation was atypical and CT showed ?? changes Right MCA.Still eexperience bouts of fatigue and fuzzy head