This is sure to be long. I'm a rambler.
I was diagnosed with a PE in March 2018 a week after I had a procedure done on my heart (combination of that + birth control created a perfect storm). That I am aware of, I never had a DVT, but it was simply a clot from my groin that found its way to my lung. I spent 7 months on Eliquis and have visited a hematologist to find I have no clotting disorders. Last week, I was taken off Eliquis. My hematologist felt like I had no need to be on baby aspirin or anything because I no longer have any risk factors (no longer on birth control, not overweight, no high cholesterol, no smoking, etc.).
I'm now dealing with the anxiety of my safety net being gone. I have had really horrible health anxiety after my heart issues (which started in 2016) and have become somewhat of a hypochondriac. I had my last dose of Eliquis on Friday and then Sunday I had what felt like some tightness in my outer hamstring in my left leg. It made me panic and I did take a baby aspirin. I started doing yoga again (after a 2 1/2 week break) and that seemed to ease the tightness greatly. Tuesday it was a little less sore and then yesterday (Weds) it was gone. Today I woke up with a little twinge of pain slightly above where the previous tightness was and it has about sent me into a spiral again. I don't have any swelling, discoloration, redness, hot to the touch, etc. It will slightly hurt (very low pain-wise) when I stand and after a few steps, it goes away. There is no pain when I'm sitting or have my feet up. It doesn't hurt every single time I stand up. I have been obsessively googling and researching and it isn't really helpful. It seems like most DVTs are in the calf. It seems like most with pain don't go away with rest or "walking it out". I feel like a crazy person. I have taken baby aspirin on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and today. I feel like I'm overreacting because it seems like a very superficial minimal pain.
Anyone else deal with this? Or perhaps those who had PEs without DVTs? How have you coped with being taken off blood thinners for a provoked PE?