I been having PE &.DVT for about a month in a half already scary situation I feel like a walking Time bomb. I was put in coumadin getting my inr checked every week it was stable then it dropped all of a sudden ... My doctor changed my pills to eliquis since then I been feeling pain in my legs like before when I got diagnosed with pe DVT I feel a lil discomfort in my chest is this normal??? Has anyone had these symptoms while on medication.. I'm thinking the worse.. Is eliquis working for me am I forming more clots its scary..
Pulmonary embolism..: I been having PE... - Anticoagulation S...
Pulmonary embolism..

PEs and clots are scary and when your are experiencing anxiety, listen to your body, speak to your doctor. Don't be afraid to question and ask. It is your life and your body and at times you HAVE to fight for your health care.
Be persistent, everyone's body reacts different to medication and you can't heal unless you are calm, so get reassurance and at least another opinion if necessary.
Good luck and God bless.
I do not know the tablets you are taking but I have been on Coumadin tablets since 2004. I was checked by a haematologist / oncology professor ,and had ultra sound dopler examination of which it was decided that I should remain on Coumadin .Yes the inr goes up and down but have to watch what you eat,you get used to it as time goes on.
It's really scary at first when you get sick. When they give you mass doses of heparin and lenovox and everything else. I remember getting out of the hospital with my whole back an the back of my legs just a solid horrible bruise...but take good care of yourself. When you feel panicky try to breathe an relax. Make sure to get activity. But definitely go to the ER if you feel that a Dr needs to take a look. I was super scared at first, but it will have been 4 years on January 12th and I am still on my coumadin/warfarin and still doing fine. Try to relax sometimes and don't let your mind get away from you. Especially when the doctors look at you with doom in their eyes. just kidding. But remember life goes on and laughter and relaxation is very important as well. Take your medicine and get your INR checked and you will live a long healthy life.
Wishing you all the best...Happy New Year!!

Awww thank you mimilolo I'm trying but Dr took me off coumadin n I'm on eliquis I liked coumadin I was able to chk INR now I'm confused n wondering if my INR is controlled
I like the coumadin because its proven itself over years. And I'm pretty sure it's keeping me alive. Remember everyone has different blood disorders and different things work differently for them. I would say never be afraid to get a second opinion and do what u feel is best after researching all the options for your particular set of issues. Cause it's your body so if u feel something might be better talk about it with your Dr, and do your own research. But at the end of the day this is the hand you have been dealt so appreciate everything, smile, laugh, chill with your loved ones, most of all, relax and breathe don't spend so much time worrying...I speak from experience. You'll be around for a long long time...you got this
Thank you I feel like a walking time bomb at times I do yard work or house work or walking I get pain in my legs n start panicking then I start thinking the worse like is the clots getting worse or are they traveling I get a headache I start thinking if clots went to my brain I'm very scared of any lil pain I feel..😢😢😱
Don't be scared... When u think about it we all have a shelf life. The fact that we both made it through the initial clots means the worst part is over. Now that we have the blood thinners we'll be fine...worrying about what may happen prevents u from enjoying what is happening they told me I will most likely die as a result of this but after all these years I realize I could get hit by a bus... I could live til I'm 90..who knows nothing is written life is beautiful. And if I have to have a tragic illness I feel blessed that its not something that prevents me from enjoying life and this really doesn't. It could be soooo much worse. Don't stress so much just breathe and pray, go for a walk or the gym. Don't over think. That's not to say if u really feel like u need a Dr to ignore it, just don't focus so much on the bad stuff...

Thank you much how are you doing with ur PE
I'm so good just staying on the coumadin. I see all these ads for xarelto and whatever else it would be nice not to have to monitor but then I remind myself I'm clumsy and need that vitamin k to save me in an emergency. Lol... So Dr appt next week they probably wanna do another vein scan but its radioactive and nothing ever changes sooo idk. But I feel fine. My INR has been good. How about you how are you feeling?

I'm ok..I did a breathing test the other day at my lung drs it was a ugly test lol but they said it was 100% good so hopefully my lungs didn't get damaged. I did an ultra sound on my leg said the clots are still there but not as bad I wish they were able to check if I have multiples clots still in my lungs.. They took me off coumadin n put me on eliquis they said it was the best out there right now n works faster then others n less bleeding (not true) I still have a heavy menstral oops sorry on not sure if ur a male or female..but anyways other then that I was feeling great until the last couple days I feel light. Headed n dizzy feels like I haven't ate u know that feeling if u go all day without eating n u get wierd feeling in the head n plus my vision has been not good. Kinda want to get complete blood work again see if my body is lacking anything I was lacking iron so I been on those a month already
Yea you should get a work up if your feeling dizzy that's not good at all. Its all good I'm a girl I like coumadin just cuz I've done so well on it. I just am not sure about this new stuff warfarin has been around for a long time, but I'm definitely not a doctor so I'm sure our doctor feels the elequis is what you need... I'm so glad your tests look good that's excellent news:)) Just keep getting activity I haven't been going to the gym lately and I am having headaches a lot idk if its my blood but when you have what we have you can't help but think everything is related. My nieces dad suddenly passed away 3 weeks ago from a dvt he didn't even know he had. I swear its an epidemic anymore. But we are still her and still blessed but go get that checked the dizzy feeling, that's not good...

So is there any test I should ask for to see if I'm getting better or if these clots will return
Mimilolo what do you take or do if you get the flu or cold? I feel I'm getting sick and very scared 😢
I usually just double check on the internet if it compatible but most cold medicines have acetaminophen and its not great for your liver but its safe for the blood thinner...I get scared too sometimes... Its usually my loved ones like omg u have a headache go get checked...at first after I got sick I was in and out of the hospital for every little thing...leg pain, headache, chest pains but I've chilled out since then. Just get as much activity as u can...that will help more than anything else. Keep that blood moving its super important.

Thank you
I also have a PE on my lung and a dvt in my leg, on warfarin but apart from getting out of breath I feel ok. Hope you get sorted