I really want to know how our illness affects our sense of smell? Neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's are known to damage the sense of smell, but what about AMN? Are there such among us?
AMN and sense of smell: I really want to know how... - AMN EASIER
AMN and sense of smell

I’ve never heard of that ever. I imagine potentially if you have cerebral involvement that might be a thing though.
Both my daughter and myself find ours more sensitive
I had never thought of it being related to AMN but I have not had any sense of smell for a few years. I had thought it was partly related to heredity as my father had little to no sense of smell and partly due to years of working with nasty chemicals. Interesting line of thought. Thank you!!
no problems. But I can not withstand the smell of deodorants.
I've got a very poor sense of smell. I have been a cabinetmaker and joiner and used a lot of different chemicals in that time. I have usually put it down to the using these chemicals. I've never thought of that it could be related to AMN.
For my part, no problem concerning my smell capacities
I have both AMN and Parkinsons and have lost my sense of smell
It affects me . My sense of smell and tastes have changed dramatically. I was only just talking about this yesterday to my husband.
I have a very sensitive sense of smell. I smell things that others can't smell.
I have no sense of smell, as far as I can tell, from birth, but I don't think it is related to AMN.
What is you sense of taste like then? For me with no sense of smell, taste is the basics, only sweet and salty really, other than that it's only texture.
I don't really have something to compare it with. I know that people who lose their sense of smell often say it affects their ability to taste, but my view is that my sense of taste is fine. I'm a decent cook and certainly don't seem to miss out on any particular flavours. If anything I'd say that my sense of taste has become more sensitive to compensate
My overall experience is pretty odd: I can smell things that I know the flavour of, like coffee or bacon but that's probably because I'm tasting them on the air. Or chemical vapours: I can detect perfume, alcohol and nicotine but I don't smell any subtlety in them. What I don't know are things that you can't consume. I don't know what gas leaks smell of, for instance, or bad food. Off milk catches me out until I have it on my cereal. I can't smell flowers, urine, farts or smoke. Or decomposing matter. There's probably a career in sewerage management waiting for me somewhere