I had a nerve conduction Thursday and my neurologist was puzzled by the outcome. She ended up testing the area around both ankles twice. She said the result she was getting was similar to that of an autoimmune type disease. Have anyone of you had a nerve conduction with similar results? She said she was going to a group she is in with other neurologists to try to get an answer and advise.
Nerve conduction : I had a nerve conduction... - AMN EASIER
Nerve conduction
I don’t remember ever getting that response ... machines are different, the docs have different “takes” on results. I’m curious as to what she finds out at her meeting!
If you ask me, all machine tests have to be interpreted by someone. Even the mighty MRI, all I get is "this might be A, could be B, I don't really know"
Into the bargain, every single machine test I have undergone has produced anomalies. I don't care any more. All I care about is my brain lesions. Even in that department, the freakshow that is the Monkeybus framework constantly throws up questions.
My nerve conduction tests initially had them thinking I had CIDP (chronic idiopathic demyelinating polyneuropathy) years ago and I underwent several IVIG (immunoglobulin) treatments which didn’t help because that wasn’t the problem to begin with...so yes, interpretation of the tests has to be put in context and not taken in isolation.