Maybe I am posting
in the right place. First my doctor thought I had chronic fatigue,
then MS, but after my latest visit she said she’d run a vlcfa
test. She isn’t a very good doctor to be honest. Forcing me out
of the door.
After I returned
home, I Googled vlcfa. Mostly I have been reading this site. That’s
when I started panicking. I thought MS was bad enough. Seems my bad
leg is actually spasticity, my fatigue really is fatigue, I was
hoping I was just feeling run down. I thought I was getting better
but seems I was just getting used to my condition.
Haven’t received
my results yet, if the lab is as incompetent as my doctor it’ll
take a while yet, but I’m preparing myself the best I can. My
friend has MS and she told me about some of the medicines she takes.
I especially like the look of Modafinil and Ampyra. Wish I had
insurance now. I’ll have to buy online, maybe one of those
Canadian pharmacies.
Could I ask a
question? If my vlcfa levels are high, do I still need a genetic
test? If so, do I have to pay? I live in the US, though I have
family in London. I am happy to get on a plane.
Thank you very much.
I feel a lot better for finding this site. If anybody has any
advice for me, I am all ears.