My name is Zach. Addison's was confirmed 4 days ago and AMN was confirmed (from a VLCFA test) 2 days ago.
Edit: And I'm in Lawrence, KS, USA.
Edit edit: And I'm 28
There's no family history of AMN. I was diagnosed with ADHD when I was 8 and autism spectrum disorder when I was 11, both of which ALD is commonly misdiagnosed as. When I was 12, a brain MRI was done, which showed some very small focal lesions. The diagnostic radiologist wrote it off as "doubtful clinical significance".
The first time I noticed clonus was in April of 2017, 16 months ago, while I was riding my bike. I attributed it to restless leg syndrome. Over the next few months, people at work would comment on how I was limping, though there was no pain and I did not see what they were talking about. Maybe my ankle injury from 8 years ago was getting worse? My mother, a therapist, recommended that I start wearing an ankle brace.
A few hours after we got the brace, she noticed my legs shake as I got up off the floor. "I didn't know you had clonus." My dad, a physician, was also there and did the clonus test on me. "Yep, that's clonus." We all shrugged and went back to dealing with the ankle brace.
A few months later, I went to see an orthopedic doctor, in case they had some idea about my ankle. During the appointment, while he was checking out my ankle, the clonus kicked in. He stopped what he was doing. "Are you aware that you have clonus?" He sent he home from the appointment with no further plan for treatment because there was no pain in my ankle but advised that, if the clonus did not stop within the next few weeks, I should see a neurologist.
2 months later, enter neurologist. He told me something was wrong with my spinal cord, and his differential diagnosis was a tumor inside the spinal cord, a tumor right outside of it pressing in, multiple sclerosis, or maybe just compression of the spinal cord (Surfer's myelopathy). The spine MRI he ordered showed nothing. The brain MRI that followed showed some smallish lesions. Nothing much, but enough for him to refer me to an MS specialist.
The MS neurologist said the brain MRI did not look like MS all but ordered a lumbar puncture to rule it out. He also mentioned that if it is not MS, maybe it is a leukodystrophy like ALD or a hereditary spastic paraplegia. The lumbar puncture was normal, of course.
My dad was a real hero at this point. He caught wind that ALD is on the table and asked the MS neurologist if he would order a VLCFA lab. The neuro said "no". Instead, still with the goal of testing for AMN, my dad went to a geneticist colleague, who recommended HSP and peroxisomal gene panels. A few weeks later, they reported that my ABCD1 gene is a variant, though previously undocumented, so they could not say for sure whether the variant is pathogenic. Within the next few weeks, VLCFA labwork (and ACTH + cortisol for Addison's) confirmed that it is.
Next, I guess my family members will get ABCD1 checked, starting with my mother. None of this feels real yet. As far as AMN goes, I only have clonus and leg spasticity so far, and my job as a software developer is more or less unaffected. I feel pretty fortunate that AMN has been diagnosed while those are my only symptoms. The Addison's is completely untreated right now; I have no idea if I'll feel better once my cortisol is normal.
Also, I like Tetris