I am a female, age 57, and have been diagnosed with AMN. I have balance and gait issues and neuropathy in my legs. Is there any medication out there that helps with muscle weakness and nerve pain? (I have tried Gabapentin but nothing works). Is this progressive or do I live with what I have now??
Neuropathy: I am a female, age 57, and have been... - AMN EASIER

Try high dose magnesium.
Lyrica is another possibility for your neuropathy. May I ask how high your dosage of Gabapentin got before you decided it wasn't working? I am on 2400mg a day, 1200 am and 1200 pm and am now finding my neuropathy is getting worse at night again so may have to increase the dosage, or change the timing. I have been told that sometimes a mid-day dose is helpful.
I hope you are able to find some relief!!
I find exercise to be very useful for neuropathy.
But I also have a set of motorized peddles. It is not exercise really but just the movement feels good.
Like these. Great for just sitting and watching TV
I have found leg swelling can really get things burning. Try light compression socks, elevating your feet, and watching your salt intake.
A soak in the tub helps me when it is cold.
Thanks for the information. Luckily, I am still able to exercise and ride my bike religiously. The cold weather does increase the nerve pain though. A hot tub sounds wonderful. I haven't experienced any leg swelling yet so hopefully, I have a mild case.